UserPresets.package is what contains the colors and patterns that you saved when you used the Create-a-Style (CaST) palette in Create-a-Sim (CAS) or Build/ Buy Mode to create your custom designs. So if you are deleting this then that is why your custom designs are disappearing.
DCCache and your
Downloads folders contain all of the items from your launcher which are your store items. If you are deleting these then that is why those items are not appearing in-game.
DCBackup files are safe to delete all the time as the game regenerates these.
The other files you may or may not have are below and these entire folders are
always safe to delete.
CasPartCache.package: CAS parts that appear in Create-A-Sim
compositorCache.package: New objects that would appear in Buy/Build mode
scriptCache.package: Mods or Hacks (hopefully you don't have these
simCompositorCache.package: New Sims, default skins
EDIT: If you have a
scriptCache.package and don't use hacks or mods, don't panic. Just delete that file.