I had the same exact problem. I had totally empty bridge which gave the moodlet, and I couldn't delete it. I made my sim open the fridge, and paused the game when she opened the door - I was surprised to see that there really was a spoiled serving of can soup inside visible, I could hover the cursor over it and see the item details even. o_o
(the fridge was supposed to be empty, really)
Anyway, I solved the problem by saving the whole household (family + house) to the bin, deleting the lot and then copying them back. BUT. Later I realized I should have just moved my sims to another house for a while, then copy & delete the problem house while they were away, and then move them back, because they lost all their connections & charisma skill when I put the family to the bin, naturally.
That's the only solution I can think of because the fridge really couldn't be deleted in any way... :/