I'm curious, as to if they're going to offer Limited edition after the release? The reason why I ask, is because I'm way too impatient to go through with the pre-ordering.
I don't know if this has been posted before, but they did confirm new traits and LTW's on Sims Wiki.
New traits for Sims, confirmed, will be:
Allergic to Fur
Riding Skill (Horses)
Animal Lover
Dog Person
Cat Person
New Lifetime Wishes for Sims will be:
Ark Builder
Get Unicorn
Animal Rescue
The Jockey
The Researcher Fairy
Of course I'm a little bummed that EA didn't include "Crazy Cat Lady" as a LTW, but none the less, I already have a story about a Crazy Cat Lady in the works, all planted in my head, of course.
I love the LTW "Get Unicorn" though. Perfect for the Childish and the Insane.