Author Topic: Coastal DecaDynasty - A Barnacle Bay Story - failed, mods please move  (Read 22265 times)

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2011, 08:37:42 AM »
I love the mix of features of both parents the kids got. Welcome to the world, little Athens.

Haha, sure - the game has no fashion sense! Lol. Happy birthday everyone and happy, err, de-birthday Josephine! Is Sculpting Aberdeen's supermax skill? Awesome updates, lvrugger. :)
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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2011, 09:05:33 AM »
Thanks, Chronic! I actually have about 80 screen shots and am writing the story at work. I play at home, upload the screen shots and write when I get a free minute. I'm up through Aberdeen's courtship and wedding, with a surprise twist at the end. I have all the "required elements" shots set up and hope to have the story caught up in a day or so.

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2011, 09:21:09 AM »
Athens aged up to child uneventfully. Nice mix of both parents going on again. I have all the friends I need for now so I stopped having parties. More will come, soon, though.

Aberdeen supermaxed sculpting with his gator ice sculpture. It was worth a nice bit of change.

Thinking long-term, I knew I needed a bride for Aberdeen. I had Athens make friends with his classmates and invite them over. They should be hitting young adult about about the time Aberdeen hits adult. I kind of like Adrian Fleet so far. She has a good personality, even with the ugly shoes. I'll keep an eye on her as she grows.

Jake is getting bored in his old age, so I bought a time machine at the consignment store and let him do some travelling. He and Josephine also did some woohooing in the time machine for the fun of it, but no children from the past or the future showed up.

Jake rolled another wish for a child, and who am I to not let an old man have some fun? And he doesn't even have the family oriented trait!

About the same time, Athens aged up to teen. With the same ugly clothes. I'm getting sick of this one outfit. I'll try to figure out how to delete it. Anyone know?

That same night, the Coastals got to welcome baby Anacortes (yes, I'm reusing names from the deleted first run), along with baby Astoria.

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2011, 09:26:42 AM »
Wonderful, more nooboos! Welcome to the world, little Anacortes (sp?) and Astoria. :D

Haha, that's weird that he is having so many baby wishes, lol. Looks like both kids got Josephine's eyes as well as Jake's nose. Not bad, not bad at all.

That's great, congrats on supermaxing Sculpting. Awesome update!
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2011, 09:33:15 AM »
Aberdeen rolled the lifetime wish of Renaissance Sim. I figured he could get gardening out easily with the family's large plot of life fruit.

Sadness hits the family with the death of Jake while he is harvesting life fruit. It was the first day after his age bar filled. I had been having him eat a life fruit or two a day to extend his life a bit, but I guess Grim didn't want to miss the opportunity the first time I missed a day.

Josephine came running out to see what was going on. Grim stuck around long enough for her to give him a gift - the only option that popped up when I clicked on him. Of course, she gave him a bladder flow potion...  ;)

That day, the twins aged up to toddler. Anacortes got some of Jake's coloring but Josephine's eyes and hair:

While Astoria got takes after Josephine in most ways:

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2011, 09:38:49 AM »
Wonderful, more nooboos! Welcome to the world, little Anacortes (sp?) and Astoria. :D

Haha, that's weird that he is having so many baby wishes, lol. Looks like both kids got Josephine's eyes as well as Jake's nose. Not bad, not bad at all.

That's great, congrats on supermaxing Sculpting. Awesome update!

Anacortes is a town in Washington state. Astoria is a town in Oregon. I decided to name all of the kids after coastal cities around the world, alphabetically by generation.

All the kids are a great mix of the parents, except they all have Josephine's hair. I honestly don't think either Jake or Josephine are that attractive, and I didn't feel like a major makeover fit in the theme of this challenge for me. But I'm thrilled with the kids so far!

Sculpting is one of the easiest skills to supermax, that's why it came first for me. I'm dreading later generations where I've scheduled photography and mixology. t

And thanks again for the encouragement!

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2011, 09:33:49 AM »
Athens went to the graveyard where he played for the ghosts. It made him feel better about losing his father:

Speaking of graves, the family built a little graveyard out back. Athens brought home a few graves of some of Jake's friends so he would have some company.

Of course, the friends like Dude LaMer would keep the family company, too.

Josephine realized she was still young and deserved a little romance in her life, so she hit on one of the many paparazzi:

While Aberdeen kept making friends and testing drugs on people:

The girls' birthday party came. I really should expand the door a bit:


And Anacortes

And the two girls kept becoming better and better friends:

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Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2011, 09:45:55 AM »
A few days later Aberdeen and Athens aged up and had a joint birthday celebration:

Of course, Aberdeen is the first in the family to set fire to his birthday cake:

Well, at least we get another NPC friend out of all the mess.

Undaunted, Aberdeen threw another party and invited all of the teen and young adult females in town. He still has to max his career and needs two more NPC friends to move up, so maybe one of these women will be Mrs. Aberdeen Coastal one day.

Aberdeen got the wish to sculpt one of the women - Adrian Fleet - so I decided she was the one. He invited her over after work one day to get to know her better:

And took her to the graveyard to watch the stars:

It was a tough courtship since Adrian Hates the Outdoors, but Aberdeen thought he could change her mind later so he pressed on:

The young couple stopped at the consignment shop on the way home when Adrian felt ill. Luckily, Aberdeen is a doctor:

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2011, 10:06:25 AM »
Aberdeen has completed all of the requirements to move out, so he held a bachelor party in celebration:

And spends some time going through his life. He decides to leave his Homecoming King crown and prom photos behind as he is starting a new life with Adrian:

And he poses with his 10 left behind items - 9 Supernovium and 1 Plutonium, thanks to the consignment store. Is it me or does he look like Neil Patrick Harris in Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog?

And a fully planted perfect garden, missing only money trees and death flowers. No special seeds in Barnacle Bay.  :'(

Saturday comes and Aberdeen throws his wedding at home:

Unfortunately, Adrian has taken a job an has to leave before the vows are said. Besides, she didn't dress properly for the wedding.

Since there wasn't a wedding, but it was the girls' birthday, we celebrated any way.
Anacortes - I hate her eyebows:

Astoria is prettier, I think:

The next day, the wedding is on, but just with family.

While saying their vows, Josephine got the thought that the sky was getting dark. The watcher freaked out. Everyone moved away except for Adrian. She just cowered. I kept clicking on her to "come over" and such, but no luck. Never got a pic of her doing that, unfortunately.

Aberdeen returned to the site of their courtship to mourn poor, crushed Adrian.

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2011, 12:01:04 PM »
Oh my Gosh! That is so horrible! Killed when saying vows! I'm so sorry. This game is crazy sometimes. :'( *sniff*

I hope Aberdeen manages to recover from this awful loss. Good luck next time around, Abe! *sniff, wipes a tear*
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2011, 07:05:29 PM »
That is just the worst! You were so close!  Happy Birthday to everyone and R.I.P Jake!
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2011, 06:46:42 AM »
Thanks Chronic and Gogo! At least I got some good story telling out of it.

After the death of Adrian, Aberdeen spends the night cleaning up the house. The meteor left debris all over the property - on the grounds, both porches, and more.

Aberdeen went to work the next day. Instead of going home, he wandered the neighborhood looking for a new Mrs Coastal. He ran into Linda Verona, who was a friend of Athens.

True to form for a future Mrs Coastal, she promptly got sick and needed a Doctor's attention:

While talking, Aberdeen found out that she Loved the Outdoors - shared traits instead of opposites like with Adrian. Cool!

Aberdeen took Linda to dinner. Even while grieving for Adrian, he realized the Dyansty needed him to move on and soon!

She must have eaten something bad, because she needed a doctor's attention after dinner, too!

That sealed the deal for Aberdeen. She had to be his new wife:

And their new home:

I'm at work, I'll post the moving requirements when I'm home and have the spreadsheet with me.

Thanks for reading!

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty - A Barnacle Bay Story
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2011, 06:52:15 AM »
Good work on being the third person to move their first heir! Linda seems like a nice sim.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty - A Barnacle Bay Story
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2011, 12:10:39 PM »
Aberdeen met the requirements to move out with the following:
Aberdeen Coastal was born to Jake and Josephine within 10 days of starting.
Supermax skill: Sculpting
Career max: Medicine
Honor roll elementary and high schools
10 NPC friends on lot:
--Enrique Paz, babysitter
--Kendra Atkins, maid
--Caleb Fonseca, paparazzi
--Grim Reaper
--Dude LaMer, ghost
--Gene Berger, pizza delivery
--Larry Hare, fire fighter
--Lynette Fontaine, mixologist
--Felicia Broughton, repairwoman
--Lionel Kurtz, mail carrier
--(Bonus 11) Angelo Washburn, paperboy
10 best friends
--Debra Abe
--Dusty Pedersen
--Harrison Tobias
--Nina Caliente
--Lee Roy Johnkins
--Jonathan Kuhn
--Caryn Kearns
--Bunny Shore
--Caleb Fonseca
--Serena Abe
1 building and 1 property
--Coastal Swap and Sell
--Coastal Industries Science Center
10 Black Ops (all sculpting or career)
--High Quality Delivery
--An Old Ruse
--Larger Than Necessary Doorstop
--A Little Give and Take
--Sculpt a Suspect
--Waste Management
--The Banquet Centerpiece
--Caring for the Careless
--Bad Medical Cliques (all three legs of this one)
--A Donation of Children's Literature
Tombstone of Household Member - large obelisk
--Jake Coastal
10 Items Left Behind total $74,037
- 9 Supernovium (thanks to the consignment store) and 1 plutonium:
Vacation days used: 9 (3 Jake, 3 Josephine, 3 Aberdeen). 1 carried over to balance

Offline lvrugger

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Re: Coastal DecaDynasty - A Barnacle Bay Story
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2011, 08:01:06 AM »
Sorry, I spelled Lynda's name wrong in my last update. It has a "y" instead of an "i" in it.

Lynda is a fairly attractive sim -

I changed her main outfit - I'm sick of that blue top since it seems that is all my pregnant sims ever wear:

Lynda spent time with Aberdeen at the sculpting benches and got to endure some of the fun aspects of sculpting -

Lynda made Aberdeen take a break from sculpting his to-be-left-behind sculptures when it was time to have an heir:

And on day 10 - please welcome baby Boston!

