Author Topic: Which Expansion?  (Read 2782 times)


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Which Expansion?
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:08:33 PM »
So, it has been a while since I haven't played the Sims. Now I am getting interested in it again and I looked up the wikia to see for any new expansion. To my surprise(When I stopped there was only World Adventures, Late Night anounced) there were quite alot of expansions up. I know The Sims has a reputation for expansions( a lot of em) but I did not know they came out so fast.

Anyways, to the question at hand. I am thinking of buying one of the expansions. Which one should I start with? World Adventures? Late Night? Ambitions? Generations(if its out already)?

I would like your personal opinion to help me decide.

Also, is there any tips someone could give me to keep the game at hand more interesting? The game is fun, but if I can find a way from not always going on and off on this game that would help alot.

Offline Audren

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Re: Which Expansion?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 06:15:59 PM »
I would personally go with Ambitions, because the new content is fairly high, and is not nearly as buggy as World Adventures and Late Night can be. I don't have any knowledge of Generations, except that it's pricey. (probably $50 of US money)

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Re: Which Expansion?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 07:17:00 PM »
Welcome to the forum robowwza!

I agree completely with Audren on buying Ambitions because it gives a lot more reality in the game (except for the ability of hunting ghosts of course). You have new open careers where you need to follow your sim too so it's no longer sending them back and waiting before they will return.
On the other hand, from what I know about Generations and what I've either read here from Naga, who has the game already and from what I saw on YouTube I recommend that one also.
It gives more live in the sims and again realism. Other than that, it includes a Ambitions like career, saying no rabithole, called Babysitter where parents are dumping their kids at your place for you to take care off. If you're good at it more kids get dumped on your lot until you almost could start your own sockerteam.
So, I can say for sure Ambitions is a must. But in a few days, or week I could also fully recommend Generations.

But, it also depends on your playstyle, and what you would like to see in the game.
My favorite skill however is making nectar (because of it's complexity and it's hanging also on the gardening and handyness skill) but that's a World Adventure skill.

You know what, get them all. It's just like Pokémon: as a team all expansions are at their best. ;)

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Re: Which Expansion?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 05:09:49 AM »
Personally I'm still a huge World Adventures (WA) fan, I just love it. I love the tomb raiding aspect, and the collecting is brilliant. For something different to do with the sims then definitely WA. However once you have done all the tombs it can then get repetitious, however it does take a while and the three new worlds are stunning. And I love the idea of having three holiday homes on top of the main home. Get bored of seeing the same house but don't want them to move? Then build a new one in China! Or France! Or Egypt!  :D

Next for me is Late Night as I'm crazy over vampires so that gets my vote. Then Ambitions. In all honesty if Late Night didn't have vampires then I would have probably gone for ambitions. Especially if you like playing with only one or two sims at a time (the 'open' jobs, i.e. not rabbit holes, need constant attention so it's difficult if you have more than one sim).

Unfortunately can't comment yet about Generations  :'(

However I completely agree with Leto and get them all! If I were you I would install them in order of release as it's nice to see the gradual progression in the expansion packs, and if money is an issue the older packs like WA would have dropped in price lots (or buy from ebay) and you could always get one a month.

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Re: Which Expansion?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 06:47:12 AM »
Welcome to our Forum, robowza.

It's very tough to recommend a single expansion because they all have great things that have been added to the game.  Malteser has a good point about prices, too.  The older expansions are often on sale and offered in discounted bundle packs.  You can get bundles with the Stuff Packs, too.  Carl's Sims 3 Guide has great reviews of each expansion, as well as lots of information to help players make the most of the game.  If you haven't already visited it, this would be the perfect place to learn about the different expansions. 

As for keeping your interest in the game, we have many structured challenges that appeal to many different styles of playing.  Every year, we have a Tournament where our members play the numerous challenges for a score and it all ends up on a leader board, then finally to the World Ranking.  At the end of the year, the top three players get a prize from us.  In addition, we have two Dynasty Challenges that are separate from the Tournament challenges.  They are much more detailed and difficult, but it's played at your own pace.  We've been having great fun with the Immortal Dynasty and writing stories, and now we have the brand new Townie DecaDynasty that was just unveiled a few days ago by our Challenge Coordinator, Metropolis Man.

I hope you find something that appeals to you.  :)
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