I still haven't installed the EP, but I wonder if there isn't a time restriction on how long you can stay in OL
You cannot start a new game in Oasis Landing, but you can live there permanently, there is no time limit in Oasis Landing. However for dynasty challenges, we decided to make Oasis Landing travel time as vacation time. Each household is allowed 10 days vacation. Vacation time includes time spent in China/France/Egypt and time spent at University or Time Travel (to Oasis Landing).
Can we count that as one of the towns you can move into during the dynasty? Of course if you add everything you need before going into the gameplay.
Unfortunately no, Oasis Landing will be treated like going to vacation or going to university.
Sorry if ti's a very stupid question, but I still don't know well how everything works and I'm a bit curious about that.
Not stupid at all.
And does every career and skill counts towrds as arequirement?
Yes and no.
There are 3 new skills in this expansion pack - Advanced Technology, Bot Building, and Laser Rhythm-a-con. Bot building will have to be careful, you can build nanites and create nanites, just can't build a bot (since plumbots are banned).
There are also 3 new careers in this expansion pack, however since you are only travelling to Oasis Landing using your vacation time, you might not have enough time to level these careers: Astronomer, Bot Arena , Plumbot Dealer.
Also, are there any new collectables or NPC's?
Yes, there are new collectables: Nanites, Fish, Insects, and Plants.
No new NPCs, all the NPCs in Oasis Landing is already included in our NPC friends list.
NPC -- babysitter, burglar, fighfighter, maid, mail delivery, pizza delivery, police, repair technician, social worker.