Decisions regarding Patch 1.55 Features:
The main features we are going over is in regards to: Moving Towns, Private Lot Purchases and New abilities to place Lots.
In regards to placing lots: Yes it's cool we can now place lots over water. However, Players have never been able to place an empty lot just to place one and still cannot. This part of Edit Town is never going to change. If you place a lot, it needs to have a purpose and a venue put on top of it. Otherwise, don't place the empty lot.
In regards to moving towns: Townie DecaDynasties are allowed to change town twice to help reduce file size and fix glitches. While at this time it is not certain if this type of move will fix glitches, we do know it can reduce file size. This is now the preferred way to move in the Townie DecaDynasty. The exact procedure for this will be explained in detail and posted as soon as all the kinks are figured out later this afternoon. If you need to move prior these rules, contact me via PM and we'll talk. I'm available for most of the afternoon/evening.
In regards to purchasing private lots/additional homes: Townie Decadynasties are not allowed to purchase private lots or additional homes. The whole purpose of this dynasty is to move into townie homes. Townies cannot move into homes if the player has them purchased. We feel this feature goes against the spirit of the challenge.
Instructions for Moving Town
A player is given the ability to change town twice through the entire decadynasty in an effort to avoid large file sizes and to cure technical difficulties. Use these two moves at your discretion but also with caution as you only get the two and moving too early may cause your final file size to still be very large. With the new ability to move within your game, the challenge team prefers this method of moving town to all others. Only with permission can a player use the edit town way to move after today (June 21st, 2013).
A move to a new town can only happen after an heir has made the move to a new townie family either through being asked to move or through marriage. As soon as the move is complete, this is when the heir will kick out any banned life states and then make the call to move to a new town. You can bring tombstones if you wish as long as they weren't the ones that fulfilled the moving requirement. Those must remain. Nothing else is allowed to come with you to the new town.
The only things your heir is allowed to take is the LTRs that they purchased themselves. So you will choose to sell the furniture. Please at this time do a save and make sure to save it as a different name just in case. When you are finally done with the loading screen, choose an empty townie home (not an empty lot). This house is where the family will live until your next heir finishes his/her requirements.
Please note that the next heir cannot be conceived until the move is final. When doing this type of move, players can place the family and then go into Edit Town to add the town's missing lots. This is your only time to add a lot other than the moment you get a new venue that you wish to be placed. The chance to do this is a one time only thing. If you forget to place lots, there's nothing we can do for you. You cannot go back to a previous save, you cannot go into Edit Town.
No options can be changed when you make the move. All weather, story progression, lunar phases must be kept exactly the same throughout the entire dynasty.
If you can think of anything else that needs to be addressed, please let me know so that I can add it to this post if it's something important. Thank you.