Since I installed the new patch (1.3, I believe), all my saved game files dissapeared. They aren't even in the program folder, and I searched through the recycle bin just incase. They weren't there, either. It's like they never existed. I decided to just start over, but now it won't recognize that I am making progress on the New Beginning kingdom ambition. When I click on the ambition icon in the game, it will have the little check next to each achievement, but it won't actually give me the medal. The ambition icon stays grey instead of turning the color of the last medal I was supposed to have gotten. I've placed all the buildings in my kingdom, and there is a check next to the final achievement, but I wasn't given any medals, and it doesn't recognize that it is complete. None of the other ambitions have been unlocked. Is there something else I was supposed to do to complete this ambition that I've forgotten?