Author Topic: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?  (Read 12890 times)


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Since I installed the new patch (1.3, I believe), all my saved game files dissapeared. They aren't even in the program folder, and I searched through the recycle bin just incase. They weren't there, either. It's like they never existed. I decided to just start over, but now it won't recognize that I am making progress on the New Beginning kingdom ambition. When I click on the ambition icon in the game, it will have the little check next to each achievement, but it won't actually give me the medal. The ambition icon stays grey instead of turning the color of the last medal I was supposed to have gotten. I've placed all the buildings in my kingdom, and there is a check next to the final achievement, but I wasn't given any medals, and it doesn't recognize that it is complete. None of the other ambitions have been unlocked. Is there something else I was supposed to do to complete this ambition that I've forgotten?

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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 09:39:54 PM »
You won't get the ambition achievements until you use up all of your quest points and finish the ambition. When you complete the final quest, you'll get a popup showing the ones you got.
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Need help..I finished new beginings ambition ,but failed because.....
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 02:01:17 PM »
It says I only placed 5 buildings , but I have 13 buildings placed. My qp points are finished. The next ambitions are not available. I can't go any futher and its frusrating me. I have contact EA games and they can't tell me anything and questions I placed in the forum on EA came up with nothing. Has anyone had this problem? What am I doing wrong. I bought this game its not a pirated game. When I installed it , it automaically update it to 1.3.13 verison. I need help. Please any suggestions are helpful.
Also I noticed on your website sims medieval that someone posted on the site where you put in tips for other users that they were having this problem. I replied to them but no answer back. Thanks


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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 04:09:28 PM »
I believe I may be having the same problem, the only difference is I just got the game installed it and was automatically updated to 1.3.13. I played new beginnings placed 13 buildings, spend all my quest points and a pop-up came up saying I finished the ambition but failed because it says I only placed 5 buildings. Though like I said I have 13. So now no other ambitions are opening up and I don't know what to do next. Did you recieve anymore help on this or have you found the answer??

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I haven't run into this problem but I wonder if you populated all the buildings with heroes.  If you have and it is still not letting you go on, have you tried quitting and restarting the game?  Sometimes that fixes glitches.


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Yes, I have populated all buildings. I was hoping I wouldn't have too , but I guess I should try. Do you think I should delete my first game?OR should I reinstall the game?

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You don't have to delete.  You can just start a new game.  I would try that before uninstalling. ;D

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New Beginnings Platinum Medal.. Is not working.
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2011, 02:10:26 AM »
How do I build 13 buildings? I don't even know how many I built. I counted, but I forgot. I received a gold medal for new beginnings because I apparently haven't placed 13 buildings in my kingdom. I refuse to start another ambition thing before I find out why. It's driving me insane.    >:( ???


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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2011, 02:15:37 AM »
OH!! finally someone else!! wilddaisy13 look at my post,5039.0.html

I am so irritated.. I don't know what to do.

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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2011, 02:20:32 AM »
I'm going to merge the two topics.

Do any of you have a second game going on where you could check to see if the same thing is happening in every file?
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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2011, 02:47:50 AM »
I don't, but I could try that I suppose. The whole thing just irritates me.

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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2011, 04:34:00 AM »
I don't, but I could try that I suppose. The whole thing just irritates me.

I sympathize with you.  It's not a known bug at this time, so the only thing we can really do is gather some research and see if we can figure out the problem.
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There's no need to delete the game.  It would be a good idea to start a new one and see if it does the same thing.  We don't have any information about this problem yet, so we'll have to try to figure out what it's doing.  Knowing if it's specific to that one game file is the first step.  If it doesn't happen again, then there's a chance that the file is bugged.  There would be no fix for that, unfortunately.

Edit:  I merged this with another thread about a similar problem.
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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2011, 12:19:19 PM »
Arodgers I tried to look at your post , but it was blocked for me to look at. I decided to give up and reinstall my game. I haven't done much yet in new beginnings , but it is counting my buildings so far. I realized something yesturday. After I installed the game the first time there was a code you could redeem to get the limited content , but I couldn't find where to redeem it till half way through new beginnings. So, I think when I finally entered it , it caused a glitch and stopped counting the placed buildings and I didn't even notice till I was finished the ambition. So, I think if you update your game or add codes during ambitions it might cause glitches. I'll let you all know it the game contunies to count till the end. Only thing is I don't know if you guys will have to reinstall to fix it or if you can just start a new game over. Hope this helps.


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Re: Progress towards finishing a kingdom ambition isn't recognized?
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2011, 05:17:44 PM »
oohhh.. that would make a lot of sense.. to me anyway.. when i installed my game, i just redeemed the code, & installed the patch.. but then again, it counted my buildings up to the gold medal.. weird? hm.. we'll see i guess.. in a frantic manuever, i bought the prima guide at gamestop yesterday.. they also have a redemtion code for locked content.. which i put in. lol. is there somewhere on-screen where it tallys how many buildings you've placed?