Note: Hello! I just made an account on this site today to post my dynasty. I've been using this site for Sims information for awhile now, but I haven't really had the time to devote myself to another forum, but I have been reading up on everyone's dynasties!

I've been playing around with the dynasty challenge on my own, getting used to the time it takes to max out skills, what kind of skills would be good to start with and figuring out which first spouse I wanted to take. I just finished my spring semester yesterday and reformatted my computer when I returned home for the summer so now seems like the time to take a serious stab at this dynasty challenge. Regardless of if this is successful or not, maybe I'll actually start poking around other parts of the forums as a result!

I'm playing with the World Adventures and Ambitions expansion packs.
EDIT 5/23/11: Including the completed Immortals information in this post.
Edit: 6/9/11: Done with the dynasty.
GEN 1: Amelia Byron
LTW: 5-Star Chef
Career: Culinary
Supermax: Cooking
Building: Bookstore
Property: Summer Hill Springs
3 LTRs: Meditative Trance Sleep, Long Distance Friend, Fast Learner
6 BFs: Emma Hatch, Jared Frio, Narcissa Vatos, Kaylynn Langerak, Monika Morris, Jeana Ursine
6 Ops: The Dish Showdown, From One Chef to Another, Corporate Dining, Working Alongside Friends, Charismatic Cash, Learn a Recipe
Portraits/Sculptures of YA-Elder
GEN 2: Elizabeth Byron
LTW: Illustrious Author
Career: Journalism
SuperMax: Painting
Building: Hogan's Diner
Property: Old Pier Beach
3 LTRs: Never Dull, Observant, Bookshop Bargainer
6 BFs: Wesley Cameron, Fredrick Cho, Laya Lopes, Dalma Bunch, Nicholas Davidson, Steven Kimura
6 Ops: Stinky Bugs, The Writing Club, Working Overtime, Reading for Proof, Getting to Know You, A Party for the Promoted
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler to Elder.
GEN 3: Xander Byron
LTW: Superstar Athelete
Career: Professional Sports
SuperMax: Atheletic
Building: Bistro
Property: Lofty Cerulean Blue Pool
3LTRs: Steel Bladder, Professional Slacker, multi-tasker
6 BFs: Glenn Faust, Justine McIrish, Jamie McDonald, Georgina Epperson, Layla Lopes, Dalma Bunch
6 Ops: Permission Slips, A Fishy Science Project, The Research Project, Ticket Counting, The Focused Athelete, Becoming More Logical.
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler to Elder.
GEN 4: Penelope Byron
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Career: Music
SuperMax: Charisma
Building: Wilsonoff Theatre
Property: Pinochle Pond
3LTRs: Carefree, Fast Metabolism, Dirt Defiant
6 BFs: Jack Lombardo, Robbie Grantham, Michell Grantham, Nate Bohannon, Michel Alto, Sonia Stapleton
6 Ops: After School Employment, Young Politician's Club, Fix Boiler, Floating in the Sea, Tons of Tips, A Charming Experiment
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler-Elder
GEN 5: John Dorian Byron
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
Career: Medical
SuperMax: Logic
Building: Hosptial
Property: Sunset Institute of Modern Art
3 LTRs: Opportunistic, No Jealousy, Hardly Hungry
6 BFs: Augustin Baca, Sasha Hopkins, Kizzy Pack, Tanesha Fowler, Blanca Stapleton, Tracy Yu
6 Ops: Outside Reading, Blood is not Blue, Test for Disease, Add a little Drama, Medical Knowledge, A Stimulating Experiment
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler-Elder
GEN 6: Gwendolyn Byron
LTW: Become Creature-Robot Crossbreader
Career: Science
SuperMax: Gardening
Building: Landgraab Industries Science Facility
Property: Papyrus Memorial Library
3 LTRs: Discount Diner, Stone Hearted, No Bills Ever
6 BFs: Brenna Richards, Aron Richards, Toby Reinhardt, Perry Reinhardt, Guy St Clair, Danita McIrish
6 Ops: Work/School Learning Project, Cultural Interview, Uncommonly Good, Great Plums, Of Fish, Robots and Robot Things, Outstandingly Rare
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler - Elder
GEN 7: Dominique Byron
LTW: Martial Arts Master
Career: Criminal
SuperMax: Martial Arts
Building: Everfresh Delights Supermarket
Property: 28 Hour Wellness Gym
3LTRs: Prepared Traveler, Fireproof Homestead, Inappropriate but in a Good Way
6 BFs: Tawnya Hook, Arnulfo Mena, Moses Clary, Dallas Magee, Debbie Bacon, Allan Whitten
6 OPs: Welcome to the Family, At the Health Seminar, A Package for You, Need Training, The Spa Restoration, Payment Options
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler - Elder
GEN 8: Shaun Byron
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Career: Inventor
SuperMax: Inventing
Building: Llama Memorial Stadium
Property: Central Park
3 LTRs: Suave Seller, Efficient Inventor, Speedy Cleaner
6 BFs: Antoinette Timmons, Ruben Bacon, Elton Crum, Beth Beauchamp, Hunter Homer, Shannan Clancy
6 OPs: Master Invention, Exposition on Explosion, Broken Laptop, The Great Invention Convention, Fixing the Books, Shower Upgrade
Portraits/Sculptures: Toddler - Elder
The Byron Dynasty
Meet Amelia Byron. After growing up with eccentric parents who swore to reinvigorate their own dying family name, Amelia sets off to get away from the constant reminders that at one point there was a "very famous writer" in the family and that she should seek the same life. Instead, Amelia wants to cook, and hopes to be a celebrated chef (maybe with her own TV show). Who knows though, there still may be the next Romantic poet in the family.

Amelia thought the property was beautiful, but sadly she was left with no extra money to furnish the place. First things first, Amelia needs a man to do the cleaning and the painting and the sculpting.

"Oh hey Chris, what's up? Nice house, you got money? A little bit? How old are you?"

It should come as no surprise that Amelia's desire to get a Husband so quick clearly comes from her Hopeless Romantic trait. After chatting for a bit, Amelia flirts with Christopher Steel...

And marriage is not far behind. So the happy couple head on back to Amelia's beautiful, empty lot and buy a few necessities...

What about jobs? Well Chris will be painting and sculpting until his eyes bleed so that's covered, but what about Amelia's dream to be a chef?

You've got to start somewhere, and cleaning grease out of the ovens at the local diner sure is a start. Her boss is Emma Hatch, and after a few days working, Amelia and Emma hit it off as close friends. She also becomes friendly with Jared and Molly, but Narcissa seems less than keen to make friends.

Dinner at the Byron household right now is less than pleasant, but once Chris and Amelia start climbing up their respective career ladders maybe they can buy a dinner table and some chairs.

All the money went into a good bed and good appliances. Children will have to wait until they're responsible Adults, and not just young fools in love.
Does anyone know what famous British poet inspired this dynasty? (Name is based on his title, not his real name)