This is weird, I thought the fridge you get for reaching level 10 in the culinary career was supposed to keep food good for ages. I have a sim who earned the fridge, but her and her partner are quite often sick after eating. At first, I thought it was maybe some of the food that was in their original fridge was just on the turn, so I took all the food from the fridge and had her do a heap of cooking. As soon as she served the meal, I would snatch it up and place it in the fridge. So now, they grab some leftovers to eat and quite often it's perfect quality and they get the good meal buff, but shortly after, they are nausous and running to the toilet to throw up.
As well as this, they often get a negative buff from supposed dirty surroundings while sitting at the table, yet there are no plates in the room and all the benches and sinks are clean and there is no food in their inventory. Quite strange, by no means a game breaker, but still annoying.