Author Topic: Is there something wrong with my MinusOne fridge?  (Read 9552 times)

Offline Twinmum

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Re: Is there something wrong with my MinusOne fridge?
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2011, 12:36:13 AM »
It is my Rabbit Hole challenge file, and yes, I think they may be bugged. I looked over my notes I've been keeping and I got the fridge around the same time both sims turned invisible. I reset them and they reappeared, and I thought that was the end of it, but maybe this is a result of it too. Not to worry, considering the problems some people are having with that challenge, my sims throwing up is minor, plus I'm only 1 1/2 sim weeks away from finishing so all is still mostly well!
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Re: Is there something wrong with my MinusOne fridge?
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2011, 02:55:12 PM »
I have had fridge bugs - with any fridge, not only the minus one, food go bad overnight as you describe - and also invisible sims or sims stuck in beds a lot in some games, in others not at all. It seems to happen after using dresser/mirror/makeover, and sometimes is also fixed after I have entered CAS. Sometimes it helps to put the fridge in the family inventory over night. But once the invisibility start happen a lot (I use resetsim "cheat"), the only thing that worked permanently was moving house. I suppose thats not an option for you in this challenge?

Good luck

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Is there something wrong with my MinusOne fridge?
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2011, 06:49:33 PM »
I haven't had any problems with a fridge but I have had male Sims throw up for no reason. In the Khalid Dynasty Adam threw up all the way through Agnes pregnancies I thought it was rather sweet of him.

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Re: Is there something wrong with my MinusOne fridge?
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2011, 04:22:12 AM »
This is weird, I thought the fridge you get for reaching level 10 in the culinary career was supposed to keep food good for ages. I have a sim who earned the fridge, but her and her partner are quite often sick after eating. At first, I thought it was maybe some of the food that was in their original fridge was just on the turn, so I took all the food from the fridge and had her do a heap of cooking. As soon as she served the meal, I would snatch it up and place it in the fridge. So now, they grab some leftovers to eat and quite often it's perfect quality and they get the good meal buff, but shortly after, they are nausous and running to the toilet to throw up.
As well as this, they often get a negative buff from supposed dirty surroundings while sitting at the table, yet there are no plates in the room and all the benches and sinks are clean and there is no food in their inventory. Quite strange, by no means a game breaker, but still annoying.

I had a problem almost similar to yours just two nights ago. My sims would get the dirty surrounding and nauseous moodlets whenever they walked neared the kitchen area.

It was driving me nuts also and for two nights I tried everything I can think of to fix the problem. To make a long story short, I ended up "moving the family out and then back in."

I did however went into the edit town mode while the family was moved out and moved the fridge around because I found the problem was caused from a dirty birthday cake stuck near the fridge and couldn't move it in build mode.

I then moved the family back in and than placed the fridge back in it's original spot and it fixed the bug.

Dunno if it'll fix your problem but I know the feeling.

