Author Topic: LTHP- The most effective method  (Read 3033 times)

Offline e^(pi*i)

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LTHP- The most effective method
« on: January 12, 2010, 06:16:16 PM »
I know this might seem like it would take the fun out of the Perfectly Happy challenge, but I'm not trying to make a tip guide for that challenge at all. (I'm not even into challenges) I just thought it would be interesting to compare methods for getting Lifetime happiness.

I thought of it first when I made my World Adventures sim (after realizing that I hadn't spent enough time dedicated to really exploring the new expansion pack) and set her goal to be visa level 3 in all locations. Then I realized that that LTW gave 60,000 points! This cooperates with the amount of happiness sims get from adventuring in general. So many wishes to fulfill!

So, after like 20 days aging (admittedly, I haven't counted and she's been in other countries for almost the entire time), my sim has gotten something along the lines of 100,000 points without even having accomplished the LTW quite yet.

What do you guys use to boost LTHP?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: LTHP- The most effective method
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 06:20:16 PM »
I use a variety of techniques simultaneously — spa treatments, the Over-Emotional/Loves the Outdoors traits in combination with the nicest SV lot, maxing skills for the nice mastery wishes, enjoying music, having a blast, great meal, well rested. Really, nothing out of the ordinary. I just try and do as many at the same time as possible, so it's lots of micromanagement.

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Re: LTHP- The most effective method
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 06:37:50 PM »
I don't think there is a most effective way to make LTHP. A lot of people like to maximise mood, but I find the best way is to achieve their wants as quickly as possible. I always leave a want slot free, as there are always easily satisfied wants popping up. For example, a sim who likes angling will often want to 'fish before 6AM'. As soon as they roll it, I wake them and have them go fish. To make things easier, I nearly always build and stock a pond in their garden. 600 LTHP for less than 45 sim minutes. I think it's tempting to lock in wants that will take days to fulfill for big points, but it's best to leave a free slot for the easily achieved as well. I also never give my sims anything unless I absolutely have to. For example, if they have an athletic streak, they work out at the gym until they roll a want for an exercise machine. I buy them the cheap one, and eventually they'll roll a want for the more expensive one. Mood is important too, but I don't seem to have any problems getting my sims to be 'having a blast'. I think the incense burners are a great help for mood, so is a stereo.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: LTHP- The most effective method
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 06:42:13 PM »
I also never give my sims anything unless I absolutely have to. For example, if they have an athletic streak, they work out at the gym until they roll a want for an exercise machine. I buy them the cheap one, and eventually they'll roll a want for the more expensive one.

A very good tip and something that I'll echo. My SOP for new Sims lately is to never give them a fridge and stove at the outset. Within 5 hours or so they'll want them, and boom — free LTHA points with stuff I would buy anyway.