Author Topic: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions  (Read 11581 times)


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Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:00:57 PM »
I've seen it helpful on other boards to have a place for random question posing and answering. It usually cuts down on the number of threads floating around for people wanting to pose a simple question. Here's a couple I have to get things started:

  • Does the sermon time of the priests really matter? I thought I read somewhere in the game that missing the time diminishes the sermon. Nothing seems to happen if I miss the time. I also seem to be able to change it whenever I want.
  • Some quests identify themselves as a "paltry" and usually have a yellow question mark. I'm not referring to the red question mark that advises you that you don't have enough aspect capacity to reap the benefits of a quest. A good example is the lost child quest.
  • For actions that require focus, I understand the colors that fill the action. How does this relate to queued actions, however? If I queue an action that's green, and my focus changes before the queued action actually executes, what happens? Do I lock in at green, or are the colors just a guide if the action took place right then and there? That will imply that actions and focus are real-time.

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 10:43:41 PM »
Hi alphaBeta and welcome to our Forum.

I'll have a go at your questions.

1.  If you start the sermon late, it might reduce the amount of money that is donated at the end.  Or it might be a cumulative thing where there's something negative if your priest is late several times.

2.  I didn't see an actual question in this one.

3.  When your Sim begins to perform the queued action, that's the point where the Focus is important.  For example, while your Sim is home getting breakfast and bathing, he has all the benefits from whatever decoration that's in the home.  Then, say, you queue up fishing.  By the time your Sim arrives at the fishing spot, he's lost the benefits of whatever is in his home and his focus may have dropped.  That is the focus that will determine the success of the fishing, not the focus from when he was at home 20 Sim minutes ago.

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 11:40:10 PM »
2.  I didn't see an actual question in this one.

Oops, quite right. What does it mean? "A paltry quest may cause unrest" or something like that. Is there any urgency to doing these quests? Are they temporary or something?

Thanks for answering my other questions.

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 03:46:42 AM »
Frankly, I don't understand the "not enough aspect" thing.  If I do the quest, why don't I get credit for it?

I realize that buying the game via download is really cramping my knowledge (no manual) but some aspects (no pun intended) are just beyond me.


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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 05:40:03 AM »
There are quests that only show up if an aspect is low. These quests are marked as such. These are the quests you are looking for (Obi Wan voice).


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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 05:48:41 AM »
Kai Heilos has made a list of the quests in this thread:,4069.30.html

He has listed the ones that are only available when an aspect is low. There may be additional information on the quest page.


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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2011, 12:45:59 PM »
There are quests that only show up if an aspect is low. These quests are marked as such. These are the quests you are looking for (Obi Wan voice).
Ah, got it. Thanks!

Frankly, I don't understand the "not enough aspect" thing.  If I do the quest, why don't I get credit for it?

I realize that buying the game via download is really cramping my knowledge (no manual) but some aspects (no pun intended) are just beyond me.
Each aspect has a maximum capacity that's controlled by the buildings in the kingdom. Clicking on any of the blue/green/red building icons, when in the kingdom mode, will display the amount of capacity that building would allow (or is allowing if the building is currently present). The capacity is viewable by clicking the small yellow triangle under the monarch's picture in the upper left of the screen that displays the well-being security, culture, knowledge. Note the differences in shading of the various blocks.

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2011, 11:49:33 AM »
Hi Everyone! I'm new here, and just received my Medieval game. (Yay!) I'm in the midst of New Beginnings and the Crab Bandit quest. (Still learning the terminology...) I'm really lost. I've placed my first building, the physician's clinic, but how do I:

  • Add heroes?
  • Attain simoleons?

I know these may be silly questions but I'm really confused.  ???  Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'm sorry if I posted this is the wrong place! I've tried looking through the guides but did not see anything to answer this. (But it is entirely possible I did not seek hard enough.)

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2011, 12:09:31 PM »
Welcome to the forum, firepulse.  You can add a hero when you have the building that hero lives in.  Now that you have the physician's clinic, in Kingdom mode you will see an icon on the building that allows you to add a hero.  Clicking on that icon will take you into Create-a-Sim, where you can either use a premade sim or one of your own creation.

As for making simoleons, there are a number of ways.  Collecting and selling plants or minerals, although what your character can collect is limited by their profession.  Physicians can collect all the plants but none of the minerals.  Sims get a low daily stipend.  You can have your physician craft items and sell them.  And doing quests gives your sims a lot of money - that's probably the biggest infusion of cash most professions will get.  I do think Carl's Medieval guide has more information on making money with the different professions, and would recommend you spend more time checking out the Guide. 
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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2011, 04:29:47 PM »
Ah, thank you Schipperke!! I knew there was something I was missing!

I will look further into the guides! I didn't know whether there was a simple answer to that as well. (My monarch has been selling off his wildflowers for his lowly pittance!)

Thanks again!  ;D

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2011, 04:48:05 PM »
One way for the monarch to make extra money is to hunt in the forest.  The bear or venison that comes from hunting can be sold for a fair price.  Also your sims will sometimes get opportunities (or whatever they're called) when they're in the forest or when they go to the village.  Some of those opportunities can give your character money or other valuable items.  Of course, there's also the risk of unpleasant consequences such as being mauled by a bear and badly injured!
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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2011, 10:00:37 AM »
New question: How does hero-to-hero trade work? Say I'm on an active quest with the knight and I socialize with the wizard, who I'm not currently controlling. If I go to "purchase crafts," items appear there that are not in the hero's inventory when I go back to playing them. I haven't been able to observe consistent results when you buy these items if the money actually goes to the wizard's treasury.

Another example is the blacksmith. I'm aware that when the blacksmith is the active hero, they can make something and then drag it directly to a hero unit. But what if I want to sell it? This may be useful if the knight, let's say, is rich and I want to build up the smith's treasury. If the knight goes to the blacksmith, I don't always see their "real" inventory. I've had some success with the market next to the blacksmith, as far as items actually showing there, but they don't seem to get all the money from the sale.

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2011, 03:27:11 PM »
When you have two heroes in the same scene, you just drag the item from your Sim's inventory and drop it onto the Sim in the scene with you.  When you play that other Sim, the object you placed there should still be there.

If you're giving item to the Merchant to sell for you, any money the Merchant makes will stay with him/her.

I don't know if I've hit on the right answers.  If not, please feel free to keep asking the question until you get a good master.
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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2011, 07:51:38 PM »
Thanks Pam. I was actually referring to situations where you're not controlling both heroes. My main point of confusion is when you socialize "purchase crafts" to a hero, it doesn't reflect the same inventory. For example, if I leave a quest with the blacksmith carrying a Lord's plate, it doesn't show when another hero, on a new quest, socializes "purchase crafts" with them. It's just a generic list of things. Furthermore, even if those generic things are purchased, it's inconsistent on whether or not the money actually goes to hero's treasury.

New Question: Sparring with/without armor. Does it matter?

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Re: Quick Answers / Newbie Questions
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2011, 10:31:49 PM »
New Question: Sparring with/without armor. Does it matter?

It depends what character you're playing.  Spies have a "natural defense" of some sort and don't need armor.  I don't know if it's even possible for them to equip armor.  The other characters that can spar - the knight and the monarch - lack that natural defense and need to wear armor or risk serious injury.
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