Hi alphaBeta and welcome to our Forum.
I'll have a go at your questions.
1. If you start the sermon late, it might reduce the amount of money that is donated at the end. Or it might be a cumulative thing where there's something negative if your priest is late several times.
2. I didn't see an actual question in this one.
3. When your Sim begins to perform the queued action, that's the point where the Focus is important. For example, while your Sim is home getting breakfast and bathing, he has all the benefits from whatever decoration that's in the home. Then, say, you queue up fishing. By the time your Sim arrives at the fishing spot, he's lost the benefits of whatever is in his home and his focus may have dropped. That is the focus that will determine the success of the fishing, not the focus from when he was at home 20 Sim minutes ago.