Author Topic: What skills do you have?  (Read 36709 times)

Offline DeNile

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2011, 05:09:34 PM »

Athletic: Level 3, No Challenges Completed.
- I like to run and walk, it's built up my stamina.

Charisma: Level 5, Personable, Super Friendly Completed.
- I psychoanalysis people, it makes for getting to know them faster.

Cooking: Level 3, No Challenges Completed.
- I don't like to, but I can cook. Mmm, grilled cheese...

Inventing: Level 3, No Challenges Completed.
- I like building things.

Handiness: Level 1. No Challenges.
- I fix things!

Logic: Level 9, No Challenges Completed.
- No joke, I'm told I'm super smart.

Photography: Level 3, No Challenges Completed.
- I'm in the high school class too!

Writing: Level 9-10, Specialist Writer.
The Pendragon Randomacy. My new, and hopefully long-term, story for Carl's forum. Following Anita Pendragon: The Runaway.

Offline Hosfac

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2011, 05:10:52 PM »
Cooking: -9

Lol!  What, do you burn your Cheerios in the morning?  :P
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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2011, 05:12:34 PM »
Haha, good reaction Chronic! I will await curiously Hosfac's answer. Let's pm him if he doesn't answer within 5 more minutes.

Okey, than my list. (First, I really like this topic Chronic. Good one!)

Athletic: 10+
I'm without overstating one of the strongest man in the gym I train.
Don't break a sweat is probably reached, because I simply don't sweat fast. But never get tired of a body building workout... good luck with that! Everybody will get tired, sooner or later.

Bass/Drum/Piano/Guitar: 0
No Challenges.
I have once learned myself to pingle the slow part of the Jurassic Park music, but that's it.

Charisma: ?
No Challenges.
I have no idea how far my convincing techniques goes, but hey... if you read this: can you borrow me $100,-?

Collecting: 4
No Challenges.
I collect the sims 3 expansions.
And ah well, I have to admit, in one of my many other hobbies: I kind of collect Pokemon in Pokemon White. But that I never will admit out loud. :P

Cooking: 2
No Challenges.
Let's just say I know how to coock an egg and I can survive in the kitchen.
No, I simply don't like to coock, because I have to eat many times a day because of my sport hobby and I'm convinced it take up to much time. Though, I really can enjoy eating good quality food.

Fishing: -1
No Challenges.
I see that as animal cruelty. Even if you just fish it and throw it back.

Gardening: -1
No Challenges.
Don't like to do the garden. Though I'm capable of helping my mom when she had to lift something heavy.

Handiness: ?
No Challenges
Difficult. Don't ask me to repair anything in or around the house, but computers I can work with. Does that count for a point or two?

Inventing: 0
No Challenges
You have to agree with me: in the 21th century there are only a few things that haven't been invented yet. And I won't call on myself for making the first time machine, teleport or perpetume mobile.

Logic: 5
No Challenges
Am I smart? Am I dumb? It's hard to tell. Some obvious things I don't know, but other things other people don't know are so normal for me... I have to be somewhere in the middle. IQ is 101, if that counts here. I speak multiple languages and my spatial logic is pretty high (working with 3D software) but if that does anything to my total logic score I don't know.

Martial Arts: 0
No Challenges
I can kick, I can punch, I can scratch, I can crunch. But my first defence will be talking things out. If that doesn't work (and it depends on the person) scolding is an option. At least it relieves.

Drink Making (Mixology and Nectar Making): 0
No Challenges.
If you won't die of poisioning pass this on to somebody else.

Painting: 4
No Challenges
I used to draw when I was a kid, but I'm more into computer things now. Although I think I still could draw if I wanted to.

Photography: 4.
I'm more into filming but taking pictures I also like to do.

Sculpting: 0

Writing: 7
Writing? Hmmm, I wish I could read actually.
Just kidding.
Reading 20 books I've mastered multiple times. But come on! At the age of 25 you can supose somebody has read at least one single book.
As a kid I've written a lot of stories and a few I've finished also. But today? ... Wait, I still write! I write video tutorials for crying out loud! :D
And on top of that: I also write posts and topics on this forum. I really do!

Offline Audren

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2011, 05:44:15 PM »
Lol!  What, do you burn your Cheerios in the morning?  :P

No, but I do sometimes burn my waffles.  :P My Home-Ec teacher is going to have a chore in getting me to not set something on fire.

Offline Hosfac

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2011, 05:52:46 PM »
Haha, good reaction Chronic! I will await curiously Hosfac's answer. Let's pm him if he doesn't answer within 5 more minutes.

You guys get me the seed, and I'll grow it!
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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2011, 05:59:40 PM »
You guys get me the seed, and I'll grow it!

Whahaha, and where are we supposed to find any omni plant seeds huh? Oh well, I'm to much off topic now, with my -0 gardening skill.

Offline Anushka

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2011, 06:12:43 PM »
Hahaha excellent response Hosfac!

About my skills, well, I'll try.

-Athletic: 5 I walk a lot and can do more than average number of push ups. I never train anything but am very fast runner, swimmer, and just few days ago I walked with my son on my shoulders for 15 km in 3 hours. And no pain after that.
-Piano: 4 6 years of elementary music school and few more of teen band exploration, but I'm not really virtuoso so..
-Charisma: 10 My education and profession(s) forced me to max it.
-Collecting: from rocks to special types of souvenirs (like sand from several different deserts, rocks from different seas etc)
-Cooking: 8 Two of us just ate 1/4 of a special chocolate cake, with my own invented recipe. It was delicious. I still burn food, when try simming and cooking at the same time, but I can cook and I love doing it.
-Fishing - as Leto. I feel sorry for any fish that  is caught. Even if it's released after that. I used to go with my friends who fish, just to scare fishes away (accidentally jump in the water, put loud music on, or trow rocks in water hehehe)
-Gardening - 8 did a lot of gardening all my life, Hosfac, I had african violet for 10 years, got it when I went to Uni and she even had a name! But then I also had a little garden in front of my window.
-Handiness - 6 can do a lot of fixing. Except for TV, I can fix all the usual things in house.
-Inventing - 3. I'm great in improvisation, so that is why I gave myself this points. My husband has maxed this while teen. Leto, in 50 years, you'll be shocked by all the things that are now unimaginable.
-Logic 9-10 All challenges but stars one - I always wanted telescope but never really had a chance to have it. I used to have chess board in center of the living room for years until PS2 replaced it:D
Nectar making and Mixology - 5 can mix some great drinks, and as a child, I was "helping" in traditional yearly destilation process, which product is often used as universal cure ::)
Photography 3. Love taking pictures. One day I'll get to learn more.
Writting 9 but only reports, I wrote milions of them I think, but never even tried writting a novel. Only story I ever tried is dynasty one, and it was still more reporting then a story.

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Offline Phyre

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2011, 07:11:52 PM »
I'm having so much fun reading everyone's replies to this topic that I decided to answer it for myself as well:

Athletic: 9 - Challenges: Body Builder & Fitness Nut
I was well on my way to make topsport my career. I used to do competitive swimming and trained insane hours (12 times a week for 1,5 to 2 hours, even before going to school). However, I got very sick and it took me 2 years to fully recover and another 2 to get back to my original achievement level. By that time I was so far behind in training development that I was unable to catch up. Swimming will always be my first love but for my body it's acutally healthier to pursue a "normal" career and I'm definitely happy doing what I do now.

Bass/Drums/Guitar/Piano: 0
As a child I was adamant I did not want to take music lessons - like every other kid - and my parents were OK with that. Nowadays I regret never learning how to play an instrument, specifically the piano, but you can't win 'm all in life!

Charisma: 10 - Challenges: Personable & Super Friendly
Like Anushka, my education and subsequent field of work forced me to max this. I was always an open and spontaneous person, but I definitely didn't have Charisma maxed. I’ve never been an extremely funny person either, I tend to be drawn towards sarcasm instead.

Collecting: 1
I’ve collected some stuff when I was a kid. My biggest collection would’ve been my animal figurines, as a child I was able to pick one figurine after going to the dentist. After every dentist appointment I’d spent the next half year plotting which animal I was getting next. I grew out of this collecting though, nowadays I can’t stand any unnecessary clutter. I already have enough clutter I can’t get rid of even if I wanted to.

Cooking: 5 - Challenges: Star Chef & World-Class Chef
I’m a decent cook, but definitely no star chef. I do enjoy cooking, and I think I could become better, but I simply don’t have the time (or energy at the end of a long day) to spend ages in the kitchen. Perhaps in future years but right now easy always wins.

Fishing: 0
Fishing is something I absolutely abhor. I tried it a few times as a child but then I concluded it was just really sad for the fish and I stopped doing it. That sentiment has not changed a bit.

Gardening: -5
Every time I attempt to bring some plant life into the house it always ends with a dead plant.  I’m the complete opposite of a green thumb – I’m a plant killer!

Handiness: 0
I couldn’t repair anything even if my life depended on it. When my bicycle (we all ride those in Holland) has a leak in one of its tires I can’t even fix that (most 12 year olds can!). I always look to employ man-help for all my repairing needs!

Inventing: depends
Does inventing include designing? That’s something – given my education – I’m quite good at. I have to design both theoretical hypotheses as well as actual projects. Inventing in its most pure meaning though; no, I can not.

Logic: 9Challenges: Teacher Extraordinaire & Skill Professor
How do you measure logic? If you measure it by how logic you think you are it becomes quite convoluted. Naturally you will think something you came up with is logical, or you wouldn’t have thought of it in the first place! Purely looking at what educations I have completed I’d estimate myself close to max. However; I couldn’t win a chess match from a 10 year old.

Martial Arts: 10Challenges: Sim Fu King
My parents thought a girl had to know how to defend herself, so I grudgingly obtained a black belt in Taekwondo (strictly a self-defense sport) after which I was allowed to quit. Which isn’t quite as bad as it sounds, somewhere in the middle I definitely had fun but I’ve just never been the sparring type. I mainly focused on style.

Mixology/Nectar Making: 0
I wouldn’t even know where to begin making something that tastes even reasonable decent!

Painting: 6Challenges:  Brushmaster
I’m not a traditional painter. I usually draw and use different pencil mediums to do so. I do work a lot with watercolours – I guess that qualifies as painting. Similarly to cooking though, I have too little time to do this nowadays and when I do have free time it’s just more appealing to me to relaxingly play the sims instead of having to fuss and frustrate over a painting or drawing that isn’t turning out quite the way I envisioned it.

Photography: 5 - Challenges: Photolog & Architectural Eye
I don’t put my finger on the lens, I don’t cut off heads or feet and I have a fairly decent understanding of composition. I have absolutely no knowledge about the technical side of photography though. I’d say I can document a holiday quite well but anything beyond that is also beyond my skill.

Sculpting: 0
I don’t like sculpting, I’d rather draw. I suck at it too! The only thing I’m not half bad at is making real-life scale models of my designs – something I have to do regularly. But this doesn’t actually fall under sculpting I think.

Writing: 8Challenges: Specialist Writer
But again this depends on how you look at it. I have written lots and lots of case and literary studies, reports and scientific papers. I used to write novels, plays and poems as a child but as a teen I started to hate this. It’s coming back to me though, but time prevents me from trying anything major or serious. For now it’s just the odd poem and of course my dynasty – my first non-scientific serious writing endeavor in a really long time and so far I’m been having a blast. Despite not always putting them to paper though, I've never stopped making up stories in my head :P

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2011, 06:13:29 AM »
It's very entertaining to read your replies, people. Share away! :D
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Online Seabody

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2011, 06:20:15 AM »
I think this is an awesome idea!
My Athletic Skill has improved - I'm Level 2. I can run quite fast, but I get tired easily.

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2011, 06:24:05 AM »
Congratulations, Seabody. :)
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline beccaboo105

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2011, 07:04:47 AM »
Good topic idea Chronic  :D

Athletic-I'd say 4 (Used to be on a netball team and I do dance which is suprisingly painful!  :D)
Succeeded or nearing fitness nut
Charisma- 8  (I also do acting, which obviously needs charisma)
Super Friendly, Comedian (not a good one though)
Cooking- 7   (Just 'cause I like eating stuff I make)
Star Chef (made cornflake cakes so many times I lost count)
Guitar- 4    (getting guitar lessons, I am apparently a natural virtuoso)
Logic-8/9    (I'm a real nerd)
Photography-8   (Have a photographer's eye)
Photolog, Architectural eye, Paparazzi
Writing-7        (I write songs)   

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Offline Alexandria_

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2011, 07:40:08 AM »
Great topic idea, Chronic!

Athletic: 6
Challenges: Body Builder (60 hours of strength training) and Fitness Nut (75 hours of cardio workouts).
I exercise almost every day - running, step-ups, walking, swimming or weights (or all of them :D).

Bass, Drums and Piano: 9
Challenges: I don't have Late Night, so I'm not aware of what the challenges are.
I play Piano, and I used to play mallet percussion, percussion and drums. I love music!

Cooking: 7
Challenges: Star Chef (prepared 50 meals) and Master Chef (prepared 75 meals)
I can cook quite a lot of things, and new recipes are fairly easy for me to follow

Gardening: 1
Challenges: None
My dad has a massive vegetable garden, so I have to pick the berries and vegetables. I also weed it occasionally.

Logic: 9
Challenges: Teacher Extraordinaire (tutoring school-aged kids for over 20 hours)
I absolutely love everything astrology. My hero/inspiration is an astronomer/physicist/mathematician (Galileo Galilei). I often help people with their science/maths/English/Japanese work, and even managed to get the highest score in all of the Monash Universities in Australia for the Biomedical Science exams.

Photography: 2
Challenges: Photolog (capturing 75 different subjects) and Human Form Expert (capturing 50 different people)
I'm not an expert or anything when it comes to photography, but I really like taking photos.

Writing: 9
Challenges: None.
I love reading. I've easily read over 100 books. I also write poetry, songs and I've started on two novels.

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2011, 08:57:41 AM »
Guys, one thing I have noticed reading your replies: you all underrate yourselves! :D For example, take Alexandria's reply - you say you have completed 2 (!) Photography challenges and say that your skill level is only 2. Really? At that point your skill level must be at least 6-7. This is not criticizing or anything, just a note not to be shy. Come on, you are a lot more than that! ;D
On another note: I have leveled up in Athletics - level 9! Oh, and if we count Collecting as a skill, I have at least 8 points. I used to have collections of nearly everything - stamps, butterflies, cards, Pokemon, brochures, hats... My Writing must have improved too - level 6 now. My book count stands at 60, most likely.
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline Alexandria_

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Re: What skills do you have?
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2011, 09:26:34 AM »
Haha, thanks Chronic!
I've taken many pictures, but I'm still not an expert. But if it were possible to complete challenges on the Sims, without the skill level going up, that'd be more for photography :D