I actually have had my sim get her "first kiss" from another sim... I was a bit annoyed as she was getting all flirty with her IF only moments before and this other sim was definitely NOT her IF... She ended up with a "naughty reputation" from it too... I have also had my sims write, paint, play games/chess, read, listen to tabcasts (they seem to love logic and writing), clean, do laundry, swim/dive/lounge in the water, play with the sprinkler/water slide/hopscotch, repair sinks/showers/toilets, fish, flirt, teach toddler walk/talk, toddler will play with pegbox and xylophone and read autonomously, child/teen do homework immediately after school, to completion, cook, chat on the computer, stargaze, use the training dummy, break blocks (with enough martial arts skill points obviously lol), garden, play instruments, and using the athletic equipment... I'm sure some of this is trait related since my sims almost always have the genius trait, and lately in my personal legacy, with randomization of traits, neat/perfectionist/handy/family orientated/artistic... The things they won't do seems to be: sleep (I don't count passing out on the floor as sleep), eat (if they are doing something else they feel is more important), shower or pee... They do however look after their fun and social needs quite well all on their lonesome...