I am so angry and upset over how the game is running now I'm ready to give it up. As a matter of fact, I quit playing two hours short of my usual time. Today it took me all day to complete two quests and to add three buildings, two of them fixed up the way I want them but I just could not face the third one. It literally took my monarch 5 minutes, (I timed it), to get from the forest to the path to the village, and we don't even want to talk about how long it took her to patrol to Crafthole.
It was sometimes pretty jerky and often slo before, but now it is pretty near unplayable. Before if it got that way I'd check to see if something needed fixing, like restart the game, clean out files, the usual stuff. After doing that it would work ok again. I think the things they fixed just added so much more draw on resources my pc can't keep up. I'm perfectly willing to do whatever it would take to make it work better/faster so if any of you pc wizards out there know what I would need for my one year old compaq, using Windows 7, I'd love to know. Otherwise it was just a huge waste of my time and money to try this game that I was enjoying until now. What would be the best graphics card and/or drivers forinstance. ANYTHING to make it work.