Author Topic: The Marsden Family Dynasty - Off Hiatus!  (Read 17042 times)

Offline Seabody

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The Marsden Family Dynasty - Off Hiatus!
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:48:51 PM »
The Marsden Family Dynasty

I had a dream.
In this dream, a man called Tom came to me and told me of this challenge. He told me that I was destined to lead a dynasty. My distant cousin Henry had tried it.
He failed. His granddaughter told him that he could take his dynasty and throw it in a lake. Her mother was old, and could not have another baby. Henry called the reaper, and told him he was ready.

After Tom finished, I asked him if he thought I could complete it. Tom said that, although he'd like to tell me, he had promised somebody that he wouldn't. He told me that I could find the requirements at my plot of land.

I am going to do this.
I am not going to end up like distant cousin Henry.
I am Pam.

Author's note:
Of course, none of this actually happened. The only true thing about it was that I had another dynasty, called the Marsden Dynasty.
And yes, my founder is Pam.
Pictures will come soon, and Pam does not look like Pam's avatar. Does that make sense??
And yes, the dream Tom is Metro. I'm trying to think of how to incorporate Carl into this.

Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

I am not going for the HoF. I am going to cheat.

Pam Marsden
LTW: Celebrated 5-Star Chef
Career: Culinary
SuperMax Skill: Cooking
Best Friends:
BlackOps: Broadway Cameo
Portraits: Young Adult
Sculptures: Young Adult

Girly Marsden
Career: Painter
SuperMax Skill: Painting
Best Friends:

Offline Asleep

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 11:56:00 PM »
Nice start. :)
Wonder how Pam and Metro are going to react to this... ;)
Formerly Simstar3

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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 11:56:48 PM »
Wonder how Pam and Metro are going to react to this... ;)

Me too!

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 12:23:25 AM »
I have to admit, it startled me a bit.
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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 12:27:33 AM »
Well, in my last dynasty, Pam Marsden was going to be the eighth immortal.
But I thought that instead of a new dynasty, like the Davesons' for example, I'd go with a surname I'm used to. I've played that dynasty a lot.
Then, I was trying to think of a founder. I decided on Pam, because... Well, I actually don't know!

Chapter 2 - Winnings and The miracle of TCE
Today proved to be our lucky day. By our, I mean Geoffrey and myself. I recently conned convinced Geoffrey Landgraab to move in with me. He agreed. That's the first case I've seen where two sims live in different households and are married.
He paints and works.
We work hard, and I took a job in The Culinary Career. I think I'm a bit ambitious but I plan to work hard, because I'm a Natural at this cooking thing.
I would like to grow some plants. I don't know why. Maybe It's the way I am. And fish. I LOVE to fish.
It'll be hard, but I will get there.

Geoffrey can be compulsive sometimes. He decided to gamble. He spent §2 and in return, he received §100,000! We've won the lotto!
I'm so happy.
We're expanding the house - and also we are going to buy something called "Make Needs Static". Sounds cool.
Geoffrey decided to humour Nancy a bit - she's a vampire too.
He went over, got into bed and...
You know what happens next.

Unfortunately, the carpool came then and he had to go before he could tell Nancy something important. She left for work too.
I think Malcolm decided to play hooky.
We shall see.

Just so everybody knows, I'm more of a words person. There will be barely any pictures in this story. There will be some, but not many.

Can anybody guess Pam's traits? ;D

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 02:30:44 AM »
Are her traits ambitious, workaholic, natural cook, angler and I'm gonna guess green thumb??
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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 03:08:05 AM »
Are her traits ambitious, workaholic, natural cook, angler and I'm gonna guess green thumb??

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 04:55:54 AM »
You have won a limited edition "Geoffrey Landgraab" Shirt!
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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2011, 05:13:29 AM »
Amazing idea. My second dynasty's founder is also called after Pam, but I just couldn't recreate her. Why? Because she's not an alien but a perfectly good person. I think that's a hint on what trait your dynasty founder misses. ;)
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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 05:19:55 PM »
Chapter 2.5 - Inheritance

We received a call from Henry's Lawyer. He told us that Henry had left his fortune to "anyone crazy enough to try it!" The Lawyer also said that Henry had gone a bit insane in the end. He had checked and re-checked and re-checked again all of the files and paperwork and it all pointed to one thing.
Henry had left us §500,000.

I'd also like to note that at this point, Agnes Crumplebottom has moved in. Geoffrey is a NeuroSurgeon, and Pam is a Vegetable Slicer in the Culinary career. Geoffrey divorced Nancy (who did not get pregnant), and married Pam. After a bit of WooHoo, Pam fell pregnant. And something I had not planned for happened...

Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2011, 05:58:51 PM »
Chapter 3 - Twins.  >:(

I did not plan for this. I think it is because RL Pam loves Sims Nooboos.
Nobody watched TV or listened to the stereo. Pam does not have Fertility Treatment. But I got twins! How could this happen? I know that there is a slim chance that it will happen. And it did.

Pam gave birth to two beautiful little girls.
Their names are Anna and (In a tribute to the Mans), Girly.

Girly is going to be the heir, and a painter. I plan for Anna to paint Girly's Elder museum painting.

In other news, Pam picked up a time machine, two cameras, a bunch of skill books and a couple of bottles of nectar at the consignment store.
Checking my records, there is no inventor in the dynasty. I might let Anna have a go.

I also have already picked out LTW's, names, Skills, and Careers.

Girly needs a new LTW. Her one interferes with another generations' SuperMax Skill.
I know where Carl is going to be placed in this story. Also, the next Tribute to a Dynasty will be in Generation 6.

Offline Asleep

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2011, 08:10:23 PM »
Ahw, I feel bad for Anna already. :(
Can you at least post pictures of what the characters look like?
Formerly Simstar3

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2011, 08:16:18 PM »
Chapter 4 - Agnes is Great!

Agnes really is a sweetie. I hope that Tom tells her that she can adopt. We all agreed she should not marry. Especially what happened with poor Eric.
She has been sculpting like a little Trojan. She has found the secret to sculpt fast and for free and also how Ice Sculptures can never melt.
Geoffrey got promoted! He's now a World Reknowned Surgeon. I hope he can tell the gender of Girly's baby, when she has one.
On the topic of Girly, we've adjusted the nursury so it looks down onto the mortal museum. It's starting well, with a picture of Geoffrey, a sculpture, a chess table and a Time Machine. We all agreed at an emergency conference that each Mortal is allowed to place two objects of Sentimental Value in their slot, as well as a picture and a sculpture.

"Agnes!" I called. No response.
"AGNES!!!" I screamed, this time. Still no response.
I began to get worried. I ran around the house, calling her.
I found her on the painter's pavilion, passed out. I was not a medic, but Geoffrey told me what to do.
If a Sim passes out, give them a slap. (You probably should not do this in RL!)
So I slapped her.
"Wha--" she said, as she came to.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Tom came to me. He told me that each world has a watcher. He is the watcher for this world. A world he calls - The Immortal Dynasty. He brought sad news. He told me that Grim was waiting. He told me that Grim would take him. Grim will take Generation 8."

Doom has been foretold for Generation 8.
The Watcher has told Agnes that Generation 8 will be taken by Grim.

Sure Simstar. I'll post pics once I get them.
Also, Anna and Girly are still babies, so no pics of them yet.

Offline Chopsticks

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2011, 03:26:26 PM »
Ooh, scary
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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Marsden Family Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 07:40:05 PM »
I'm currently uploading a ton of pictures.

