Author Topic: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations  (Read 7102 times)

Offline simdancer

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Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« on: April 15, 2011, 09:08:21 PM »
Hello all,
I am saving up my extra cash to either buy Sims 3 Generations or Sims 2 Double Deluxe with the University EP. Which one do you think I should buy? I know all of the new info about the TS3 Generations and it sounds fun (especially the daycare profession), but I have wanted TS2 /w expansion packs since LN came out. I am open to any opinion you may have.


Offline Saltypaws

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Re: I need your opinion
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 09:14:31 PM »
Although I cannot tell you which to purchase, I can say, I loved sims2 when I played it and had every EP and SP.  There are so many things in sims2 that would be awesome in sims3.  I know it would be impossible to incorporate everything from sims2.  I think you would really get into playing sims2 if you had it.  Of course, there is the load time and only play one house at a time, which is something I do not miss.  There are so many pro's and con's to getting either Generations or sims2.  Those games are always going to be around, so if you do get Sims2, eventually, you could sometime get Generations, that way it will give you a chance to hear all of the feedback on it. :)
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Offline Seabody

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Re: I need your opinion
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2011, 12:55:47 AM »
The university EP was okay.
From the sounds of it, Generations is going to be better - at least in my opinion.
As Salty said, if you choose University, then you can get to hear the comments/criticism for Generations.
Ultimately though, it all boils down to you. Which one do you really want?

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Re: I need your opinion
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 02:07:22 AM »
I don't think this is really a fair question for this forum, considering it's strictly Sims 3. 

Also, simdancer, the title of this thread is rather vague.  I'd appreciate it if you would modify the first post and change the title to something more specific for this topic.  People browsing the Forum have no idea what this thread is about with the current title.  Thanks.  :)
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Re: May I ask your opinon on which to buy?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 07:12:17 AM »
Thanks all! I modified the title and the first post, Pam. Thanks for the warning.

Offline pallyndrome

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 07:21:46 AM »
Personally, University was the one expansion that I ended up uninstalling from my sims 2. I found that the long (long!) time to spend in uni with the young adults was very repetitive and if you didn't send them, they'd be upset. So I ended up getting rid of it because i was sick of sending them through long uni terms. Also, I find Sims 3 to be far superior to sims 2. Even in just loading time, and the open neighbourhood, I far prefer sims 3. There are of course some things from sims2 that I want back, but I'm happy to wait for those in future expansions. I loved sims2 when I had it, but I have sims3 now, so I'm happy. But this is all just my opinion of course.

Offline Anushka

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 07:34:23 AM »
Strange, Pallyndrome, that was an EP that tide me up with Sims2! University time was my favorite, beside skilling and increasing hobbies, relationships, adding slots for wishes and ability to lock them was great, but also, they could earn money, travel, use NL features, I really loved that part, and most often I would create Sims that goes straight to University. Only thing I didn't like was once they were done, I was suppose to sent them back home separately and they lose all the money they earn while there and start from beginning. But I never played multigenerational games so I didn't look at it from that perspective.
I loved Sims 2 but after Sims3 experience, I just couldn't go back and enjoy it, even with all wonderfull things I've been missing now, I still prefere Sims3. So as a huge fan of Sims2 and University, I still vote for Sims3 And it's EPs.

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 08:42:07 AM »
It depends. If you're going for graphics, free world, new skills, moodlets and nearly every other thing, than Sims 3 wins for sure. Sims 1 and 2 were the best games until 2009 for me, but then Sims 3 came out and overtook both. I doubt any simmer plays Sims 2 as frequently as Sims 3 nowadays. But if you've never tried Sims 2, go for it. It will give you a better look of what the Sims looked like before Sims 3. :) Personally, I would never exchange Sims 3 for Sims 2, even if it was for pets or weather.
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Offline Yarakisagoa

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2011, 09:14:30 AM »
Sims 2 Uni EP is great, you can go to University, learning, working, making friend,... But Sims 3 Gen is new, and like you said, it sound fun. So, Personally, I will purchase Sims 3 Gen if i were you :D.
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Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 11:10:20 AM »
I'm all about moving forwards, not backwards.  I vote Generations. :)

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Should I buy Sims 2 University or Sims 3 Generations
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2011, 12:30:45 PM »
Retro is all good and fine, but I don't think the Sims 2 can really hold a candle to the Sims 3.  Regardless of how much you try to create variation in facial features, they all end up looking the same.  And I found University in particular to be more grueling than fun.  Going to the university always ends up being a skill and homework grind-fest, and you hardly ever get to enjoy any of the fun college aspects.

So, if it was a choice for me (assuming I didn't already have all the Sims 2 games except Pets and Apartment Life), that choice would be Generations.  No question about it.
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