Achieving Something
From the Ecstatic Jamie
I am Jamie Aussie. I moved to Sunset Valley to become a World Renowned Surgeon and find the love of my life. I’ve completing both my wishes.
I’ve been zooming through my career and doing some vaccination clinics. Some people’s reaction crack me up!
Jamie: This won’t hurt (cough) much (cough)
Molly French: OOOOWWW
Crowd: Wow Jamie is soo right about it not hurting. She’s a great doctor!
(Though I had another pic of that. Guess I don’t.)
Also Cooper and I have finally furnished our home! All it needs is a computer, treadmill, telescope and a painting as once I master the Logic Skill I think I’ll work on painting.
It was the day I had waited for, for a year. My birthday! We threw a party at the park and invited all my friends.
The main event.
Err my hair! Quick trip to the mirror will change that.
Cooper got to work on interviewing people for work.
Holly Alto: I like acting like a big monster.
Cooper: Okay, anything else I should know about you.
Sandi French (Internal Monolouge): Just leave the insane girl alone! She must be talking about a book!
(I’m not sure if Holly has the insane trait!)
Few days after my birthday, I felt nauseous in the morning but still went to work. Good thing though as a left work as a World Renowned Surgeon!
I threw a party to celebrate even if my house isn’t for partying! I found out something special!