Author Topic: Fishing Quest problem  (Read 8874 times)


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Fishing Quest problem
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:01:28 AM »
I'm doing The Fisherman's Challenge quest with Marlon as my advisor. (he may not of been the right choice!) I'm supposed to try to catch a Mysterious Lobster that must take pity on me because I'm so unfocused that I can't catch anything else. I have let my focus meter get to nil and even negative while fishing the 5-6 fishing spots in the Docks area, but to no avail. Am I in the wrong spot? Do I have to reload a previous game and choose the other fisherman? Any help would be great!

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Fishing Quest problem
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 01:21:13 PM »
I got the lobster when I waited to fish until the option was red. When you click on the fishing spot, the option "Fish" has a coloured background the corresponds to your hero's focus and the likelihood they are of succeeding at the action. Green = high chance of success, Yellow = neutral, Red = low. Wait until it is red. It was about 3am and my hero was exhausted, hungry, and badly needed a drink (Drunkard Fatal Flaw).
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Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Fishing Quest problem
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 03:44:58 PM »
Wait till it shows red. After some time, a pop-up will notify you about the lobster. ;)
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Offline chrissie

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Re: Fishing Quest problem
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 05:20:38 PM »
I found Marlon to be the best choice of advisor, I'm struggling slightly to complete this as I picked the wrong hero, my physician who has a legendary trait. At the moment, because he's friendly, I have him pick an argument with someone, it seems to be working.

