Ondaderthad, those are
really exciting ideas for expansions you have there! I love them! Let's hope
some of them, at the very least, come true.
Pam, I agree. I don't think they would have named the base game "Medieval" if they didn't intend to go forward with that specific theme. I think adding any other time period would be too taxing on resources - they need to build on what they have, programming-wise. Not to mention it might be a tad confusing to the players.
When you think of it, there has been HUGE interest in the Simming community for medieval-type stuff.
[Removed name of modding site. -Pam] project for Sims 2 comes to mind, and there have been so many other sites that have shown interest. I think EA took careful note of that and decided to give it to us - with an RPG twist. I'm SO not complaining. LOL
They've brought in the fantasy element already with the Effenmont/elven world and the wizards and such. They may expand on that kind of thing in future EP's, rather like each EP of the regular Sims franchise has some sort of "other-wordly" being, like robots or vampires, etc. But I'm thinking the kinds of beings for Medieval would more along the mythical lines, like fauns and centaurs and dragons and such. Maybe even a crab king. Or a llama queen?