Author Topic: What Themes for Heros have you done?  (Read 9429 times)


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What Themes for Heros have you done?
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:16:42 AM »
I was trying to think of a cool theme to have for my kingdom and its heros.  Starwars...Indiana Jones...finally I settled on Harry Potter.  I made the heros look like the characters too. 
Here are my heros in the Kingdom of Hogwarts and my reasoning:
Monarch:  Albus Dumbledore; Headmaster of Hogwarts
Physician: Hermione Granger; smartest in the group, did a lot of first aid in last book
Knight:  Ronald Weasley; was the groups strong man, and choose to be the knight on that chess board
Bard: Gilderoy Lockhart; took peoples inspiration and wrote books, signed photos
Merchant: Ollivander Wandmaker; made and sold wands, remembered all his customers
Spy: Severus Snape; his relationship between Dumbledore and Voldemort made this an obvious choice
Peterian Priest: Minerva McGonagall; deputy head mistress of Hogwarts, led and taught through good examples and love
Jacobian Priest: Voldemort DarkLord; led and convienced others to join him by fear and power
Blacksmith: Hagrid HalfGiant (I know his first name is Rebeus, but I like him being called Hagrid) big, strong, good with animals and being outside
Wizard: obviously Harry Potter

Anyone else use a common theme for thier heros?

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 03:18:37 PM »
LOL.   My kid an I used a theme from books we've read written by Tamora Pierce.  Not quite the caliber of HP books but a good read and interesting lands done in a more or less medieval/fantasy setting.  I'm thinking my next ambition I may switch to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings or even the Silmarillion.
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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 04:40:23 PM »
What a great idea chadgar!  I love the HP books and I think you made great choices for each of the heroes.  I hope you do well with your kingdom.

I'm thinking my next ambition I may switch to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings or even the Silmarillion.

You actually read the Silmarillion?!  *bows before the master...I'm not worthy*

LotR is the standard by which I measure all fantasy literature - it was the first book where I actually cried reading it (when Gandalf dies) because I was so emotionally invested in the story.  The next natural step after LotR was the Silmarillion and I couldn't even get through the first 10 pages.  It was like reading the most detailed history book ever written and I couldn't keep track of all the different characters.  I gave up for fear that my brain would explode.  It just boggles my mind that Tolkein could conceive of such a detailed alternate world and that anyone actually had the willpower to slog through it.


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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 04:59:12 PM »
Thank you for the compliment.  Yeah I read the LOTR every year.  Absolutely fantastic.  I have also read The Hobbit which was pretty good.  The Silmarilion was...challenging.  Its like one of those books where every 45 pages something interesting happens..and then you have to slog your way through another 45 pages.  Never plan to read it again.
So what would the Heros be for a LOTR theme?
Wizard: Gandalf
Knight: Aragon? Boromir?
King: Aragon? Theodin?
Spy: Wormtounge?
Merchant: Butterbur Innkeeper of Prancing Pony
Bard: Pippen, Merry?
Priests:  Saruman, Galadriel, Elrod?
Physician: Arwen, Elrod?

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 10:58:18 PM »
My theme is very simple: hit the random Sim and name buttons, and voila! I did choose most of their traits though.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 09:08:48 AM »
My theme is WoT. Sofar I have:
Monarch: Elayne
Phsyician: Nynaeve
Wizard: Egwene
Knight: Lan/Rand
Blacksmith: Perrin
Spy: Matt (not sure if that's the best fit yet, but I'm yet to build all buildings and create all heros)

The period clothing and the hairstyles suit these characters beautifully! Lan even has a hadori!

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2011, 04:19:45 PM »
Thank you for the compliment.  Yeah I read the LOTR every year.  Absolutely fantastic.  I have also read The Hobbit which was pretty good.  The Silmarilion was...challenging.  Its like one of those books where every 45 pages something interesting happens..and then you have to slog your way through another 45 pages.  Never plan to read it again.
So what would the Heros be for a LOTR theme?
Wizard: Gandalf
Knight: Aragon? Boromir?
King: Aragon? Theodin?
Spy: Wormtounge?
Merchant: Butterbur Innkeeper of Prancing Pony
Bard: Pippen, Merry?
Priests:  Saruman, Galadriel, Elrod?
Physician: Arwen, Elrod?

My picks would be:

  • Wizard - Gandalf
  • Knight - Sam or Legolas
  • King - Aragorn
  • Spy - Smeagol
  • Blacksmith - Gimli
  • Bard - Merry
  • Priests - Galadriel (Jacoban), Arwen (Peteran)
  • Physician - Elrond
  • Merchant - Boromir

My theme is WoT.

What is WoT?

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2011, 12:05:07 PM »
My theme is just people from games I've played:
Monarch: Princess Peach (couldn't get her hairstyle though)
Wizard: Marisa Kirisame
Knight: Saber
Merchant: Karen
Jacoban Priest: Me! ;o
Peteran Priest: Princess Zelda
Physician: Elli
Blacksmith: Ann
Bard: None.
Spy: None.


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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2011, 02:06:45 AM »
Here are a couple of ideas you could use for a theme:

  • Design a style when you start your Monarch (wall paper, etc..) save it and use it in your other heroes houses and even costumes.
  • Have all your Heroes look the same (Quintuplets) but maybe using different colours of costumes.
  • Use the "Plan a costume" function to give all the NPCs in the household a standard look (I am playing a green kingdom at the moment).
  • Only use random looks and random traits.
  • Try to level your Heroes to 10th level before building the next House.
  • as many people said above.. Base your Kingdom on your favorite Book or Movie.


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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2011, 03:08:08 AM »
So far I've only done different color themes. My first kingdom everyone wore green and were elves, and my second everyone wore purple. I really liked having the color theme because it was easy to tell my heroes apart from the NPCs when they were just wandering around. But I also like you idea of themes from other stories and I might just have to make a HP kingdom myself. I've made plenty of HP families on the other Sim games in the past, so I don't know why I didn't think of it myself!

Offline Audren

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2011, 05:03:22 PM »
I don't often use themes for entire kingdoms, but I had a Physician named Mary Poppins (couldn't think of a last name  ;D), a Spy named James Bond (yes, named after Metro's spy) and a Blacksmith named John Henry.

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2011, 06:13:56 AM »
Hmmm ... starting a new Kingdom soon, so I might try that angle. 

In TS2 we used to do, as accurately as possible, replicas of the cast of TV comedies.  We had one household with the cast of "Third Rock from the Sun", with the building made to look like the set.  Another one was with the cast of "Only Fools and Horses". 

Perhaps I need to start thinking about "Blackadder"?  ;D


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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2011, 05:48:59 AM »
Oooh yes, I've tried to recreate the Gilmore Girls household too. They have such a pretty house. Another fun one is The Von Trap family (Sound of Music). There was one of the standard fabrics in Sims 3 that reminded me of the play clothes that Maria sewed them out of her old curtains. You can put all the kids in matching outfits that way. A shame that wouldn't work with our 2 (soon to be 3) child limit.

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2011, 08:58:28 PM »
I had a kingdom called Shannara and one called Rivendell (had a lot of trouble with elf names), but this current one is Feminista and all of my heroes are female.  I plan to do Chauvinista with all male heroes.  Yes, I am running out of theme ideas!  :P

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Re: What Themes for Heros have you done?
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2011, 12:52:32 PM »
I named my Kingdom Tave'ern, I think the spelling is wrong, for the people in Wheel of Time (WoT), but all the characters are based on my novel, since it is also fantasy.

Monarch: Lucillia Sinclair
Wizard: Margaret
Merchant: Susanne
Knight: Thessa
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