I realized quickly I had a problem. With the triplets, the twins along with Esther and myself, we had 7 people in the house. I really want all my children to be married and expecting before they leave home. Nicky or Ozzette could get married but there would be no room for them to get pregnant. Well, Lily and Artie live next door to us with Garrett and Tim, so I asked them if they could babysit Queen for a few days. They said of course, so now the girls can get married and get pregnant! Nicky went out to the park to find a man. Almost everyone she ran into was married or had a girlfriend. My girls try not to be like me, but in this case there was no avoiding it. Nicky finally decided to invite Jon Robertson over. While she was flirting with him, we got a pop-up that Willis, the son of Jessie and Dave had gotten electrocuted. I can't do it yet because of too many people in the house, but as soon as some move out he will be resurrected! Nicky and Jon got married and I was in the basement working on my second masterpiece, "How I became who I am today", and I heard chimes. I immediately looked at my watch. Monday, 11:27 am. I even wrote it down because I don't want another JJ accident!! Ozzette found Cyclone Sword. I refuse to spell it the way he does, but anyways her and him got married and I heard chimes again. Monday, 7:48 pm. They then moved out too. Here are their pictures.
Esther had an opportunity to talk to someone about some lab stuff, and she was at the beach talking to the person and someone claimed she got into a fight with someone. She didn't, but you know how people are! She went down to City Hall, and while she was suing for slander, a pop up said that Abner, son of Hosfac and Jamie got electrocuted as well. Yeehaw a two for one special!! Time for resurrection!! Unfortunately Esther had to pay $10,000. You would think since she walked in with 2 tombstones she would only have to pay once, but sadly that wasn't the case. Willis was a toddler and Abner was a teen. Here I am holding ghost Willis. Isn't he the cutest??
Ok yeah a little creepy. Just for giggles, I started teaching him to walk.
Here I am snuggling myself it looks like haha but I promise I am holding him!
Alright. Here is Abner being resurrected.
I also aged Willis into a teenager. Here he is returning to the land of the living!
My second masterpiece was a best seller! Wow!
I now have a wish to write a book worth $15,000! For like 25,000 happiness points! So I've started my third masterpiece titled "Widowed again: How sad!" Now that things have settled down, I went and got Queen from Lily and Artie's. They said she was very well-behaved and hardly cried at all. That's a relief, I was worried about her. Now I can focus on getting the triplets raised and then on another husband and more children!
Esther's words:
Phew what a day haha. Anyways, I need your guys help! I already have the S and T picked out, I need help coming up with U,V,W,X,Y and Z! Suggestions? Plus the score is now Esther 5 SP 1!