Author Topic: spire-cut gems  (Read 8012 times)


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spire-cut gems
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:40:06 AM »
 I managed to make spire-cut soulpeace, spire-cut ruby and other spire-cut gems through toying with the transfiguration. I noticed that someone on this forum has discovered this too but I don't see  any reliable formulas.
 The ingredients I put in are 5 spire-cut tiberium (although sometimes it takes less), 2 other of any gem and 1 more gem of another type. Then I got a spire-cut gem (not tiberium).
 This formula does not always work. Maybe it has something to do with total value. Anyone knows anything about this?
 P/S: not all spire-cut gems worth the time and the simoleons. my ruby-spire cut worth only a few thousands while the spire-cut soulpeace reap more than a hundred thousand simoleons. it's a two-edged blade, I think.

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 07:34:14 AM »
You might find what you are looking if you Click here.  You can also click on the "search" button in the blue header and type in what you are looking for.  Good luck.  We do have a few threads on this matter.
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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 03:07:23 AM »
I see, I'll try it. Thank you

Offline Anushka

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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 04:21:39 AM »
Salty, it might be worth merging these few topics into one, when you or other mod find time for it :) (I believe there is even more of them, even if in all of them there are some formulas, none is 100% reliable).

Huy, I played quite a lot with that, and shared the complete collection in Swap Shop here. Before that I looked everywhere for reliable formula that will work all the time, like other formulas do, but in this case there is none known. The best you can do is what you've been doing, put a combination that will give you the highest chance, and arm yourself with patience. If you're not playing a legacy or dynasty, than you can quit without save, which I did, place the combination, save, transform, if you don't get what you want, exit without save and repeat until you get it. I usually used 4 spire cuts /4 other gem in other cuts, preferably 3 and 1 (example: 3 emerald cuts and 1 pear cut Rainbow gem and 4 Tiberiums).
Good luck with the attempts and if you find always working formula be shore to share it (and for woohooium too, I still can't find a formula that work after LN).


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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 05:06:58 AM »
This formula does not always work. Maybe it has something to do with total value. Anyone knows anything about this?

That I can answer very quickly: You have a 20% change of getting a spire cut gem. That's why it can take you so long.
Welcome to the forum! If I remember it correctly it was either Anushka or Schipperke who has mansed to get all the gems and in gem forms that are available in the game so far. She has uploaded a picture of it somewhere on this forum and I must say: it looks quite impressive.

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2011, 06:09:10 AM »
Leto, it was Anushka who managed to get all gems in all possible cut forms. The gems include all gems from all expansion packs. She shared the lot containing all of them in the Swap Shop. You can download it here. Anushka was even so generous, that shared a Late Night-free version for non-Late Night-ers like me. :D Thank you, Anushka!
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Re: spire-cut gems
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 02:22:30 AM »
 the 4-4 formula works with me! though not always!
 I've had a look at Anushka's collection. it's mighty awesome!!! thank you guys!!!

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