Author Topic: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.  (Read 37209 times)

Offline Kai Heilos

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Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:05:27 AM »
Great information posted on the EA forums by Wizard Dani.

Tired of building up new kingdoms each time you change your ambition? Miss your Royal Family, hoping that some day your heir would rule your kingdom with a new ambition? Follow these steps and you'll find yourself using your first kingdom for any ambition that you want.

The only bad news is that you can't do this if your kingdom already ran out of Quest Points. If you have a backup of your kingdom where there are still QPs (and thus, available quests to complete), then congratulations, you can do this.

EDIT: You can actually play too if you already ran out of QPs using the cheat "showallvalidquests", and everything will work fine, but you won't be able to earn Kingdom Points. There's no XP either, but you will gain XP by completing quests.

1) Play your kingdom until you ALMOST run out of Quest Points (not to be confused with Kingdom Points; KPs). This is really important, please do not run out of QPs. Save and quit your game.
2) Go to your "My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\Saves" folder.
3) Create a "Backup" folder and copy there your kingdom save game (let's suppose it's named "Kingdom1"). In our case it will be a folder named "Kingdom1.tsm" with 3 files in it.
4) Run The Sims Medieval again and complete the New Beginnings ambition by spending all your remaining QPs.
5) Tadaa!! Now you have new ambitions to choose. Choose any and start a new kingdom.
6) As soon as the new kingdom loads up, save the game and name it whatever you want, we will call it "Kingdom2".
7) Quit the game and go again to MyDocs\...\Saves folder.
8 ) You're now supposed to see 3 folders: Backup, Kingdom1.tsm and Kingdom2.tsm.
9) Open Backup and you'll see Kingdom1.tsm (which is a previous stage of the original Kingdom1.tsm in Saves folder). Well open Kingdom1.tsm (the one in BACKUP, NOT IN SAVES folder) and copy the file "WorldCastle_0x00000000.nhd".
10) Now go to Saves folder and open the folder "Kingdom2.tsm" and paste it there.
11) It'll ask you if you want to replace the file, click YES.
12) Load The Sims Medieval and... VOILĄ!!!!!!! You are now able to play your very 1st kingdom with the new ambition you selected!!! And you'll say "Oh well thank you, but now I have 1 QP, I can't play!!". Yes you can, just:

1) Enable "testingcheatsenabled" in your "C:\Program files\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini".
2) Right click "Commands" and click properties. Tick off "Read only" if it isn't already and click accept.
3) Now open "Commands" using WordPad and you'll see "testingcheatsenabled=0". Change "0" to "1" and save.

With this enabled, once you're in the kingdom, you can open up the cheat box (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and type in "setqp (number)", making you able to set as many QPs as you wish in the kingdom. For example, if you're wanting to play as legit as possible, you'd type: setqp 50

You can repeat this process as many times as you want whenever you're wanting to change ambition. But remember, it is extremely important to not run out of Quest Points.

If you're going to post this on any other site please quote and credit me. Thanks and have fun! ))

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2011, 08:08:56 AM »
Sounds like alot of work to me.  I don't really have a problem with starting a new ambition with different hero's, sort of part of the challenge.  For someone that can use those steps though, that is great. :)
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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2011, 08:23:58 AM »
Sigh. Players will always find loopholes and essentially cheats to work around mechanics the developers put there for a reason.

Offline Slingsby

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 01:22:41 PM »
I guess different people play Sims in different ways. 

We tend to get rather attached to some of our Sims, especially as we usually create our own, so letting them carry on life in this way isn't necessarily a 'bad' thing.  I'm not mad keen on flushing everything down the pan after completing s Kingdom ... there are always other things you would like to have done.

Offline Schipperke

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 01:51:21 PM »
I like to use the same Sims in different games, so when I create them I save them to the bin.  That way I can have Doctor Hippocrates in every game, James of Bond picking a pocket or two, etc.  If I feel like it I can change their traits, hair or clothing.  But to take the leveled-up heroes to another kingdom - it seems to me that would take all the challenge out of the game, and for me that would remove the fun.
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Offline Katluvr

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2011, 02:14:32 PM »
I like to use the same Sims in different games, so when I create them I save them to the bin.  That way I can have Doctor Hippocrates in every game, James of Bond picking a pocket or two, etc.  If I feel like it I can change their traits, hair or clothing.  But to take the leveled-up heroes to another kingdom - it seems to me that would take all the challenge out of the game, and for me that would remove the fun.

I agree completely - if you use the same kingdom and just continue to play it for each successive ambition, the ambitions become easy or even pointless.  It's completely possible that as part of your very first ambition you annexed every territory.  What is the point of playing that kingdom for the next ambition which is all about annexing territories?

I understand about being attached to your sims and kingdom, but it seems to me that that's why there is a free play mode once you have spent all your QP - so you can spend more time with your sims doing the things you didn't get to during the ambition.  And it's not a complete loss to have to start with a new kingdom each time since you get to choose a sim to carry over as monarch of your new kingdom.


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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2011, 02:40:47 PM »
I like to use the same Sims in different games, so when I create them I save them to the bin.  That way I can have Doctor Hippocrates in every game, James of Bond picking a pocket or two, etc.  If I feel like it I can change their traits, hair or clothing.  But to take the leveled-up heroes to another kingdom - it seems to me that would take all the challenge out of the game, and for me that would remove the fun.

I do this, too. I figure that it's still the same sims I've become attached to with the same personalities that amuse me. Sure, all but one have to start at level 1 again but that's part of the fun of the game is overcoming that obstacle. Plus... it's fun to get them married to different people in different games to see how that all works out and what their kids look like.

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2011, 02:42:10 PM »
Is free play mode something you can get without failing your ambition? And even though there aren't quests are still still responsibilities or something to keep your Sim busy?

Also, does this method for letting your kingdom "live on" still work on a Mac? Or is the file system all different?

Thank you!

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2011, 03:24:51 PM »
Is free play mode something you can get without failing your ambition? And even though there aren't quests are still still responsibilities or something to keep your Sim busy?

Also, does this method for letting your kingdom "live on" still work on a Mac? Or is the file system all different?

Thank you!

Free time, I think it's called, is available after you've used all the QP that were assigned for the ambition you were working on.  It shows up in the quest list but there are no rewards or tasks associated with it.  I would assume it is available when you have 0QP left regardless of how you did on your ambition.

I haven't really played it yet, so I don't know if there are responsibilities or not.  I believe you can do all the things your heroes normally do (fish, collect, adventure, stroll in forest, go to village shoppe, train, pass edicts, craft items, sell merchandise, etc.).  I don't know if your sims will actually gain levels in this mode or not - perhaps someone else knows about that.

Since it is a feature of the game, I would assume that it is available whether you are using a Mac or a PC.

Offline Ellenser

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2011, 03:43:36 PM »
I like to use the same Sims in different games, so when I create them I save them to the bin.  That way I can have Doctor Hippocrates in every game, James of Bond picking a pocket or two, etc.  If I feel like it I can change their traits, hair or clothing.  But to take the leveled-up heroes to another kingdom - it seems to me that would take all the challenge out of the game, and for me that would remove the fun.

I actually enjoy the challenge offered up by having to make a new set of Sims every time you start a new ambition. And I do exactly what you do, Schipperke, if I'm particularly fond of a Sim - and also because I'm a bit too lazy to make entirely new Sims everytime I start a new ambition.

If we use the same characters, with the same items and same level, for every single quest and every single ambition, that would make the whole game pretty pointless, boring and incredibly repetitive. Why even bother playing all of the game if that's all that will be done?

Offline Theo

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2011, 04:18:48 PM »

... [D]oes this method for letting your kingdom "live on" still work on a Mac? Or is the file system all different?

I play on a MacBook Pro and have been able to perform all of the tasks listed for Windows systems. The file system is different with its own pathing and folder names.

I am trying to answer your questions from memory since it will be several hours before I can sit down with my Mac and look at the files.

Please note: Make a back up of any file, folder or application before you make any changes.

Using Finder you may go to your Documents folder and look for the Electronic Arts (EA) sub-folder. Inside of the EA sub-folder you should find folders for installed Sims games. (I found a Sims 3 folder and a The Sims Medieval [TSM] folder.) Look in the TSM folder for the game backup folder and files. Good luck!

The file to enable testing cheats is stored else where. Try reading the article on testing cheats located via a link on Carl's TSM page.

Oh, did I mention that it is good to back up any folder, file or application before making any changes to them?

Offline BellaDovah

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Re: Take your kingdom to another Ambition.
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2020, 02:33:26 PM »
I am actually disgusted at the negative feedback this extremely helpful post got. I know it was years ago but it really helped me today.

The workaround was so easy so I'm so thankful that I found this very helpful post. I was honestly about to lose all motivation to continue playing if I hadn't come across this.
I'm amazed people are saying its, it's simply a different way of playing. I don't think it's cheating, it doesn't take away any challenge, it simply takes away all of the tediousness!

I literally had no idea that the game was designed like that, I genuinely thought the point was to build one kingdom. So, when I completed the first ambition and read 'new game' on the next ones, my heart sank. I was invested in my kingdom and my heroes. I played through the first ambition as efficiently as possible, so I only made new heroes when I required their buildings to increase the aspect cap and I chose all the quests that earn the most RP so I could build all the buildings in as few quests as possible. Because of this, there's still so much more I can do! There are several heroes still at level 1, several more kingdom aspects to be earned, and lots more quests still to do!

I think it makes so much more sense to play like this and continue with the same kingdom. If you don't agree that's fine but don't be negative or mean to someone just trying to be helpful. I am continuing the game thanks to this person alone.

Thank you.