Of course, first you need to have some cash to spend. Keep a very small amount in reserve for taxes but spend all the rest. Go on the sea and trade everywhere you can.
Tredony - Imports herbs and trades 6 phosphorus for 3 Magic Powder. Phosphorus costs $6 each. Trade 6 Barley, (cost $16 each) for 1 Gem.
They buy the following: (note: I don't have all the minerals listed yet)
Blood Moss @ $8 each cost for you to buy $3
Grass Weed @ $18 each " " $5 Better to harvest yourself
Wild Flower @ $78 each " " $0 You have to harvest them very nice profit!
Nightshade @ $82 cost for you to buy $16
Belladonna @ $104 " " $10
Valoroot @ $122 " " $9
Eagle Wood @ $147 cost for you to buy $10
Sagewort @ 165 " " $14
Lordleaf @ $272.50 " " $16
I'll try to have the minerals tomorrow. Too tired tonight. While these returns may seem great, it is nothing compared to the return from selling meat to Entremont. (Sp?) One pigeon costs you $4 and sells for $249. How's that for profit? You can see from this that with a very little money you can build a fortune very quickly. Buy, sell, rinse and repeat 3 times in one day.
EDIT: This probably should have gone in Carl's thread asking for info for the guilde but it's late, I'm tired, and it is going to be a very long list. Mods can move it if they feel it's better there.
EDIT 2: Effonmont:
Bear Meat @ 140.00 Your cost to buy $49
Boar Meat @ 260 " " $67
Fowl @ 144.50 " " $13
Frog @ 327.50 Your cost to buy $36
Pigeon @ 249 This one's ftw! $4
Rabbit @ 256.50 $22
Venison @576.43 $36
I haven't tried bringing them sausage yet.
EDIT: 3 Tictop: Trade 2 Gems for 2 Mithral
Adamantle @ $60.00 Cost to buy $25 - $31
Azurite @ $105 $17 - $25
Snordwhich: Trade 25 wood for 5 Sleeping Drafts
Eel @ 24.44 Cost to buy $18
Herring @ 52.59 $6
Trout @ 84.17 $7
Salmon @ 441.67 $36
Swordfish @ 660.00 $46
Tench @ 158.40 $7
Turbot @ 302.94 $23
Tried to do the table thing and failed. Anyone want to straighten out these rows be my guest. I'd be very happy about it!