Last question: If I download and install a cumulative patch, do I need to download and install other patches too? (Last time my game was updated was with Late Night. LN came with the whole vehicle enthusiast patch.)
No, I don't think so.
- It's either the cumulative patch, which will bring your .exe (base game/EP/SP) to the latest patch level,
- Or the individual patches, applied in the right order.
So the cumulative patch includes all the standalone patches. Do I make sense?
I'll give you an example with Ambitions:
The 'retail version' is
4.0.87. This is the version of this EP when it was sold, the one you have on your disc when you install it.
The latest patch level, the one in use today with an up-to-date game, is
Let's say you've just reinstalled your game and EP/SP. The version of Ambition on your computer is thus the Disc level, so
4.0.87If you choose the incremental patches, you'll need to download the patches:
4.0.87 to 4.2.32
4.2.32 to 4.3.4
4.3.4 to 4.5.6
4.5.6 to 4.6.6
4.6.6 to 4.7.4And apply them in that order.
OR, download the cumulative patch '
from any version to 4.7.4', and apply just this one.
So the easy path is the cumulative patch, it's bigger to download, but it's just one patch to apply, whatever the version of Ambition is installed on your computer.
If you choose the incremental patches, you'll first need to check the version, then download all the needed patches from your present level to the latest one, and apply them all, one by one, in the right order.
Last thing is your regional setting, that you have to check also.
If I check my game version in the Launcher, I'll see for the base game. The last digit, '
2', is the region of my game.
1 is for Americas,
2 for Worldwide,
3 for Asian,
5 for Japanese and
7 for Digital download.
You also have to select the patch that matches you region. If you're somewhere in America, you'll have to select patches that end with 1.
Now, if it ended here, it would be much too simple...
The patches for the base game and World Adventure exist for all the 'regions'. But, from HELS up to Late Night, there is no 2,3,5 regions anymore. Only 1 for everybody with a disc, and 7 for the digital downloads.
A very very last thing, you need your base game and EP's or SP's to be all on the same patch level.
The latest patches are:
1.19.44 base game
2.14.4 world adventure
3.10.4 hels
4.7.4 ambitions
5.5.4 fast lane
6.2.4 late night
7.0.55 outdoor living
Edited to remove the stupid things.... More coffee please