Author Topic: Making More Simoles  (Read 7342 times)

Offline athena

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Making More Simoles
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:10:09 AM »
My queen hero has just finished the "Vacation" quest... It seems to me that making simoles is a bit slow or meager... I can hardly buy anything at all!  Or if I do, the simoles gained get used up fast! How does one REALLY get to earn serious simoles in this game? Does it come from having completed more quests? Having done more duties? Please help... I must be the poorest queen in the Medieval kingdom!  :(

Offline Figwit

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 01:22:47 AM »
None of my sims ever end up very rich.  Beyond a comfortable bed, there is not much to spend money on anyway.  I guess better armor is useful for the later challenges but I haven't needed it so far.

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 01:46:51 AM »
Quests will be your main means of big, lump-sum income when you finish them. But also, some of your sims will become incredibly rich after you increase their level to a certain point and then just leave them on their own for a number of days - meaning when you're questing with an entirely different hero sim and all the other heroes are left to their own devices (they earn a daily income depending on their level). I have a Monarch who has over 20,000 simoles right now and I literally have no idea what to do with them.

Offline samoht04

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 02:14:59 AM »
I don't know if this is a bug or if it's supposed to work like this but the pay says it comes everyday but when you play a Hero they never get that pay for the days that you are questing with them.
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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 02:18:20 AM »
I don't know if this is a bug or if it's supposed to work like this but the pay says it comes everyday but when you play a Hero they never get that pay for the days that you are questing with them.

They get the pay the days you are not questing with them, but entirely different heroes. They get that pay each day when you're not controlling them.

Offline samoht04

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 02:19:06 AM »
They get the pay the days you are not questing with them, but entirely different heroes. They get that pay each day when you're not controlling them.

Which is when we don't need the money!  :-X
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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2011, 02:21:38 AM »
Which is when we don't need the money!  :-X

Yeah, I know. :( Irony of ironies.
You can, however, click on the blue button to wherever they live to furnish their homes with the money they accumulate when you're not questing with them. But I usually don't bother redecorating their homes until I do start a quest with them.

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2011, 04:02:43 AM »
How to get simoles:

1.  Cheat with motherlode or kaching  (I know, I know it's not right but I had to throw it out there)

2.  Every Sim can gather wildflowers, fish and/or hunt.  The monarch is particularly suited for hunting.  Just hunt every day and sell what you don't need.  When the monarch walks out the door ALWAYS pick the stupid flowers to either side of the door.  Then sell everything keeping back some bloodwort and seeds for ale and breakfast.

3.  Some items found in the woods are needed for quests, but you can sell them if you'd rather, same thing goes for sea adventures.

4.  You merchant should become extremely rich extremely fast with sea trade.

What to do with extra simoles. 

1. Redecorate to the max!  There are so many items you can use and so many ways to change the looks of the place.  Of course, it looks less medieval but it's still fun.

2. Donate to charity.  It gives you a nice buff.

3. Buy items at the store and give them to other characters via dragging.  I doubt the Sims notice but it makes me feel good. lol

4.  Set up "way stations" at various places where it's possible so tired/hungry Sims can crash for awhile.  A bed in the back of the monasteries, a tent in front of the market stalls and a barbecue pit, an extra bed where one would fit, like the infirmary, a keg here and there.  These all make the Sims happy.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MrGabic

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2011, 07:06:28 AM »
Or you could just level up until level 10 and set the tax rate at high and also for easy $300-$400 just threat the medieval sims for money  ;D
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Offline athena

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2011, 09:37:55 PM »
Thanks for your relies everyone! No wonder I'm not making any money, I'm just playing the Queen as a hero right now... So when I play the Wizard hero I will be expecting she gets her pay.  :)


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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2011, 02:10:38 AM »
I do have to agree with the general sentiment that there is not much to spend your money, especially if you have your blacksmith craft your gear for you. But, if you need to make money, there's one easy way that any character can use. Make and sell Master's Hunter Stew. First off you have to complete Meat Quest IV with the merchant, make sure you gve the meat to the people at the end so you can get Master's recipes. It may be possible to get the recipes from the quest even if you choose the monarch over the people, but I can't vouch for that since I have not tried that route yet. Even without hunting and just buying the ingredients from the shoppe, you can make about 400 per batch. I'm sure even regular Hunter's Stew would be profitable, but for max profit the Master's version is the way to go considering you'll need to make a fair amount of batches to amass a fortune.

I also have three more class specific profit tips.


Obviously, the Merchant has the largest advantage when it comes to money, they can literally turn money into even more money without the need for materials. I've found the best way to max out your profit is to also have a maxed out Blacksmith. Don't bother with anything in shoppe unless its the Heavy Metal or Jeweled Lutes and the maps. Outside of the one responsibility that requires you to purchase the daily hot items, the shop items are pretty much a time sink. You have to travel there and back, compound that with the fact that most of the items are under 750 each and you can clearly see that you'll be losing out on profit per hour. Just walk over to the Blacksmith in the morning, use purchase craft, and load up on Adamantle Breastplates. While they are only 720 each, they fact that you can get as many as you want and be back at your stand selling with 20 minutes or so makes their profit per hour potential the best option you have.


Unless its mithral, mana stones, or something else that simply can't be bought, there's nothing in the game worth your time to not just purchase at the village shoppe when it comes to blacksmithing materials. The only nodes you should be mining are rich metal veins and mithral. But you say, "What about adamantle? I need it for some cool stuff I want as gear for my other characters". I say, this is about max profit per hour; the information I am providing is only about that and has nothing to do with making nice things, just money. Also, if you picked up the 3-4 adamantle that is available at the shop every day from the start, you'll have a fairly decent stash by the time you get to a level where you actually need it. In short, unless you can't get it from the shoppe, just buy it.

Two words: Precise Scimitar. The materials required for them are fairly minimal. Also, once you have a legendary Watcher's Hammer, you get guaranteed legendary status with them. Finally, you get the ability to make these fairly early. Now some of you will say, "But, you can make more per sale with fancier items". This is true, and if you have access to an Angelshammer its a perfectly valid point. But if you are stuck with a Watcher's Hammer or the one from the badge quest, can't remember the name of it right now, well all those items take 2-4 times longer to make. On top of the extra time expenditure to craft fancier items, they all take more materials and if you are not maxed out in skill and have a nice hammer, you can actually screw them up enough to get a non-legendary. This is why I like the Precise Scimitar. You can inventory sell a legendary Precise Scimitar for 525, and you can make roughly 3-4 of these per hour. The next two swords after it take two and four times as long to make, respectively, and also cost far more in materials to make.

My basic theory is simple, forget xp and max out profit. So, to that end, never sell anything at the stall if your goal is max profit. Why? Yes, you can make more per item if you sell it at the stall. But, in the time it takes to butter up, hustle, ask to buy, and sell an item you could of made another item; and that's saying your customer actually makes it to the stall without some other random sim blocking the path to either cost you 3-4 hours or the sale entirely. It's about profit per hour, not per sale.


This tip isn't really about maxing out your wizard's profit potential but about maxing out the profit potential of every other crafting class. Don't give your wizard Mana stones. Having him make Wizard's Staff Cores is a waste of time and Mana Stones. Why? Simple, once he gets high enough level, you can use another character to just buy them from him without having to use up a Mana Stone via purchase craft; the same principle is true of Flame Enchantments and their respective materials. This more or less goes for anything other than keeping a bare minimum of materials for him to be able to make stuff for his responsibilities. I would say that he should never have more than 5 of any given material. The only thing you should be actively collecting with a wizard is Soul Fragments.

I haven't really bothered with making large sums of money with my other characters yet, and most of the ideas I can come up with for them are covered in Carl's hero guides, but if I figure out something new I'll edit them in.

One last thing, if you really wanna save time with making money for each individual character, you can use either the Blacksmith or the Merchant to amass a large sum of money, use purchase craft a wizard or a physician, purchase stacks of the most expensive thing they have, give those stacks to any character you want, then have that character inventory sell them. You do lose some money in the process but it saves you far more time in the end as these two have the highest profit per hour potential by far.


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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2011, 05:22:17 AM »
My monarch has made over 10k just by threatening the civilians that come into the throne room every day.  She's level 10 so she gets S320 a pop, and I usually have her send them to the pit afterwards to keep the number of disliked sims down. Plus if they die, a replacement walks right back in, ripe to be threatened. ;o

Offline MrGabic

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Re: Making More Simoles
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2011, 07:25:17 AM »
Don't bother with anything in shoppe unless its the Heavy Metal or Jeweled Lutes and the maps. Outside of the one responsibility that requires you to purchase the daily hot items, the shop items are pretty much a time sink.

SomeRandomGuy I'd like to welcome you to this forum and to thank you for your first detailed opinion It's quite good from my point of view nice job. Just one thing that I think can be more profitable along the way for the merchant if you have him early game in a kingdom. You can have a child with him/her since it doesn't take that long you can make a lot of profit afterwards by always sending your child to the village shoppe. Yes I know how it sounds, having a child just to put him to work but Medieval times were different from nowadays right? ;D
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