Congratulations for SuperMax! Hopefully Shannon doesn't die on the inside like Grandma D.
Thanks. Shannon is strong, but I think that after watching the pain her Children, Grand-CHildren and So On go through I think that will kill her anyway. Her love for her family will never die though. After Chris Died int he Old Dynasty it was like Diana died as well, she did hardly anything apart from Garden. So I guess it will be up to the Sim on what happens.
That update was really sweet and touching. Poor Shannon...
On another note, well done for the SuperMax! *confetti*
How do you get that recipe? I must've missed it last time I was supermaxing cooking.
She either got it from the Cooking Channel or from the Share Recipes Opp she did. I can't quite remember. The Recipe is French from WA.
Do you mean son?
Yeah, sorry. It's 8 Minutes to 1am here.