That's why I didn't choose Cooking as supermax. That is such a flawless plan, but one thing you'd consider, I think you shouldn't move in Megan's future husband. A baby is what's required, right?
I chose Cooking because I only need one Cook, One Sim to make Ambrosia, One Minus Kelvin Fridge. The benefits in my mind outweigh the possible consequences, as long as you keep the other Immortals from the Cooking Items, Counters, Processors, Grills, Ovens etc. it's fine.
Who said I was moving him in?
Then for Generation 4's Spouse, Joss has to die, then for Generation 5 either Megan or Tia's Husband has to die.
If thats what made you think Megan was to be married I meant
Megan has to die or
Tia's Husband will have to die.