I also don't think it's going to be like Sims 2. The approach to Sims 3 is unique in its own way. I haven't played Sims 2, but it seems to me that even when they "bring back" something for Sims 3, it's very different from what it was in Sims 2. Let's just enjoy what we get and experience all the new stuff together for the first time.
I was thinking the same thing. Sims 3 is a totally different game, and while some things in Generations might have the appearance of something similar to Sims 2, it will no doubt be much different. Don't expect EA to re-hash old games because there really wouldn't be a whole lot of point in buying a new game if it was the same as the old one. People who get this expansion thinking this is going to be a return to Sims 2 are setting themselves up to be disappointed.
I'm actually quite excited to have new activities for children. I found them to be somewhat boring up until now, because all they really have to do right now is go to school and wait to grow up. But I'm wondering how this will change the current mechanics for the game. How are all of these things that are going on at school going to take place (that's a rhetorical question, by the way
Whatever it ends up being, I'm looking forward to this expansion more than I've looked forward to any others.