How rude of me. I'll just post it here.
Basically all I've done so far was check around the potions. Most of the new objects (and boy are there lots of new objects) are pretty cool, one of the new cars is awsome (but still not better than the Fandango)...
Oh, yes, the memories are really annoying when playing any old save game, because they start popping like crazy. If your Sim has already fulfilled his LTW, it will appear as a memory at random, which is bad for the picture of the memory. Anything else you do with an old sim is probably gonna pop as a memory. Really unsettles the order of the stuff you did. I guess memories are intented for either new games or newborns in old games.
My game just got stuck with the Edit in CAS cheat, hence why I had time to post this. Lol. No, not lol. It's sad. I had lots of stuff unsaved. Pity.
Correction: I didn't lose just "lots of unsaved stuff". I lost every piece of progress since this morning. Stupid me, always forgetting to save.
My dragon plushy toy is safe, so everything's alright. No worries.