And what are your favorite unlocked interactions with those traits? Also, what traits do you like to incorporate with your sim selves?
Personally: My favorite trait by far overall is definatly the childish trait. That is the number one trait I incorperate when I make myself as a sim. I'm pretty childish in real life, so that's why I love the trait so much. That's why I made my sim self in a house with Zelda Mae, Blair Wainright and Madison VanWatson, since I usually tend to become best friends with those three anyways. Also, I love playing with insane sims. Insane sims are pretty fun too. I love watching the sims go swimming in their tuxes and ball gowns, work out in thier swimsuits, go out in public in their PJ's (lol I do that in real life). Evil sims are fun too
and I think i have a whole new level of respect for neurotic sims.
As far as unlocked interactions: my favorite thing to do with unlocked interactions has to be trolling. I don't troll on forums in real life, but on sims, it's my favorite thing to do. I think Gunther Goth and Nick Alto have trolled on the forums 24 hours straight in my games, since they're autonamisly on their computers. Yes, grumpy and mean-spirited sims can troll too, not just Evil sims. I love the responses people give in the upper righthand corner. I think my favorite response was "I know exactly what I'm talking about. I have a Bachelor's Degree." One time, Nick got a response. "YOU TROLL!!!! I'm going to report you!" The only reason to play around with mean-spirited and grumpy sims, for me, is just for trolling purpouses.