The Old Jade Dynasty House (House Build - Number 3)Now this one was never really completed, the inside was furnished and all but the outside never really was developed that much, Diana Jade only got a few of her Plants planted, she was in the process of getting the Perfects out of the plants she had, although her Money Trees survived. I have weeded out all of the WA Plants I think, as well as most if not all of the extra Expansion Content so fingers crossed it should be 100% Base Game and 95% Unfurnished! Apart from some Sprinklers and Lights in the Basement, the Sprinklers may or may not be upgraded, I remember having Janna Jade upgrade them but I don't remember if she did all of them. There is also a Deathfish Spawner possibly in the Pond.
The House is on the Legacy Lot so 60x60. I am stupid and forgot the price of it so sorry about that!
Main Floor: In the centre of the floor you will see a dark central room with a few dark lines, those lines are Half Walls, uhg are they only in LN or did everyone get them with a patch? I'll edit them out if not. Anyway there is a gap between there and the next room, that is where I had my mixology area, so the barman was in the Kitchen but the drinkers were in the dining area.
(Considering this was a Dynasty the reason for only 6 Rooms down there is because I had put all of the Portraits/Sculptures where the last two rooms were supposed to go whilst I sorted the stuff, although sorting the stuff made me realise my failure of losing the Portrait of my Founder...)Back Patio Area: This only exists for what lies below it...
Side Garden:
There is also a Garage with Four Parking Spaces inside and a Wide Driveway, I can't remember if there were any spaces on the Driveway but there probably is enough room for four outside.
I will also probably be uploading my full version of this House, one with the Museum and one without. Although my personal houses are very Store Content Heavy, I'll share a link for anyone who wanted to see how I decked mine out, the pictures won't be up for a few days though, this took ages to clear out!
EDIT: Forgot to attach it...