Author Topic: Mystic Metal Fragments  (Read 37044 times)

Offline Carl

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Mystic Metal Fragments
« on: March 31, 2011, 04:20:49 PM »
I'm creating this topic as a place we can share information on how to get these rarities. It will help me to create a better random events guide. So far, I've only found a couple but did not know of their significance to crafting at the time. If you post here, please be sure to tell me which action you were doing at the time, and what the quest was about/the options you could choose from. I hope there is ultimately one type of rabbi t hole adventure (patrol the high seas, walk in the forest) that will come out on top as the best way to get these.

Offline HtFde

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 05:02:18 PM »
One sure (but rarely cropping up) opportunity is to patrol the high seas with a character who can do this. When you find some loot you'll get to make a choice if you want to keep it all for yourself or divvy up the loot. Divvying up ALWAYS get's you one of those badly needed fragments you need for some of those special armor and weaponry items.

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Offline Jonna

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 08:55:45 PM »
When you go to the Village Shoppe, if the option to help a crying child (something about he drops his toy in the sewer) comes up, help the child.  You get a negative buff (because the kid was messing with you and kicks your face or something) but you do "find" something in the sewer, which is a mystic metal fragment.

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 12:14:46 AM »
When you go to the Village Shoppe, if the option to help a crying child (something about he drops his toy in the sewer) comes up, help the child.  You get a negative buff (because the kid was messing with you and kicks your face or something) but you do "find" something in the sewer, which is a mystic metal fragment.

YAY! I just got this one when I was playing yesterday. Now I'm like "what do I do with it?" Of course I'm going to save it for when I get my blacksmith set up.
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Offline Deckayder

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 03:02:54 AM »
My knight went on adventure in the forest and found a unicorn grazing. He was given the option to kill it or to watch it. He killed it and got a unicorn horn worth $1500 and two cuts of unicorn meat worth $1000 each. I don't think this action is quest specific, you would just need to have the Adventurous trait so the option of going on an adventure is available.


Offline TwinSpirit

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2011, 08:35:24 AM »
Okay, first of Hello!
I've been here quite frequently as a silent observer, but now I've decided to share some of my experience, because Mystical Metal Fragments have become sort of an obsession for me. Following I'll list all of the findings of Mystycal Metal Fragment (MMF from now on) and events I can remember.
Also note that I have found most of them in free time quest.

1. Rabbit hole (hunting in forest, choosing the reach hand in hole option) couple of times MMF mostly rabbit meat, rarely chinchilla bite.
2. Squirrel leading a way (hunting/patrolling forest) also couple of times MMF, usually mithral or sometimes mana stones.
3. Travelling merchant (hunting/patrolling, either option to help or ignore) I can't remember for sure but I think there was one time of MMF, usually mithral.
4. Helping a child (patrol road to/go to shoppe, trying to reach for doll in sewer option) have gotten the event 2 times, both have yielded MMF.
5. Finding a treasure chest(patrol high seas/patrol route to, choosing the claim all treasure option) has given MMF 2 times and once some other treasure.

These are ones I can remember, I'll be sure to give an update if one arises.
Thus I have noted the following: there's a higher chance to get a MMF if your character is high in level and very focused. Also if your kingdom has developed a lot.
These were just mere theories and not in any way confirmed.

Edit: K, the developed kingdom part doesn't seem to play a role, but a higher hero level still seems to affect the chance of MMF from successful random events and succeeding seems to be affected by focus level. Still more confirmation needed though.

Offline Figwit

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2011, 10:59:37 PM »
My queen got one from walking in the forest.  I got her to drop it off at the blacksmith's.  I am currently playing him so I will see what he can do with it.

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Offline Kai Heilos

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2011, 12:34:38 PM »
Just to add a few bits of info, the squirrel in TwinSpirit's post is a random event not proceeded by a choice, and the unicorn mentioned can be found on a forest stroll as well.

If HtFde is correct that divvying gets you an MMF, then it seems both options in that encounter get you one. I wonder if both options also get you one in the encounter outside the village shoppe. Will have to check that.

Offline Carl

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2011, 12:21:06 AM »
Thanks guys. I'll compile this information and add it to a page along with some notes I have :)

Offline Twinmum

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2011, 11:11:09 PM »
Bit confused here because I still haven't played a lot. Is Mystic metal Fragments what you actually get or can they have different names? Why I ask, my Blacksmith had to retrieve some magic beans from the pit and while he was down there, he got the option to roll left or right. He rolled right and ended up with a Doomsword Blade.

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Offline MrGabic

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2011, 02:03:59 AM »
Bit confused here because I still haven't played a lot. Is Mystic metal Fragments what you actually get or can they have different names? Why I ask, my Blacksmith had to retrieve some magic beans from the pit and while he was down there, he got the option to roll left or right. He rolled right and ended up with a Doomsword Blade.


Mystic metal fragments don't have different names these are needed for different weapons that your blacksmith can make later on the game and are rarely found from opportunities in the forest or the docks.

What you found in the pit is an "ingredient" for making the Doomsword with your blacksmith which will also take you to the Doomsword achievement (this has nothing to do with your bean quest), I'll quote from the Achievements topic:

You need a blacksmith, doomsword hilt, doomsword blade, and a book with the doomsword recipe.  More about each:

  • Blacksmith:  I'm not sure if a minimum level is required - mine was level 10 and was using an angelshammer.  With maximum focus, the doomsword recipe was green when I clicked on the forge and the smith made it with no intervention from me.
  • Doomsword Hilt, Doomsword Blade:   These are obtained from random events.  I was able to get them from jumping into the pit first with my knight and then with my smith (be sure to feed the beast several times and save your game before jumping in because there is a chance your sim will die), although I have also gotten them from encounters in the forest and on the path to the village.  There may be other ways, too, but these are the ones I've experienced.  If a hero other than your smith gets one of these items you can transfer it to your smith by dragging it from the other hero's inventory onto your smith.  The next time he is your active hero it will be in your inventory.  I don't know if another sim can stock the smith's forge, but that might also work.
  • Doomsword Recipe:  As far as I have seen there are 4 sword recipe books:  Blade of the Chinchilla, Watcher's Blade, Angel's Talon, and Doomsword.  The first 2 often appear in the Village Shoppe and sell for around $500 each.  You can also get any or all of these books from a random encounter in the forest and on the path the village.  You will meet someone selling books for around $250 - you have a choice to buy or not.  I've played out both options and found that when I don't buy, the bookseller will often give you a book anyhow - usually Chinchilla or Watcher.  If you buy you will get 2 books and that is how I got the Angel's Talon and Doomsword recipes.  Just have your smith read the books and the item will then appear in the recipe list when you click on the forge.

You get the achievement when your smith successfully crafts the item.  Once my smith made it I had him transfer it to my knight.  It has great stats (10 attack/0 weight) but comes with a downside - every time your hero uses it (e.g., sharpens, duels, etc.) he/she gets a -50 debuff.  The debuff only lasts as long as the weapon is in use and it doesn't stack.  If your hero has maximum focus when using the sword you shouldn't have any problems, but if your hero picks up any other debuffs along the way, this one will definitely cause problems for you.  I ended up keeping a a mana sword for my knight to use as a back-up in case the -50 debuff isn't manageable.

Thanks again Katluvr.
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Offline Joria

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2011, 03:58:32 PM »
My merchant frequently does 3-4 trades on the sea per day.  Each time she has gotten a MMF.  Sometimes from fighting pirates, sometimes from the mermaid, sometimes from fighting a whale.  I don't know how many fragments are required for that blacksmith to use but she currently has six of them.
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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2011, 03:08:09 AM »
My merchant frequently does 3-4 trades on the sea per day.  Each time she has gotten a MMF.  Sometimes from fighting pirates, sometimes from the mermaid, sometimes from fighting a whale.  I don't know how many fragments are required for that blacksmith to use but she currently has six of them.

I have a lvl 10 Blacksmith right now and I BELIVE I have all the recipies from books and leveling. As far as the MMF's go, the recipies seem to require from 1 to 4 fragments. 1 is needed to make the Angelhammer, 2 for the Doomplate armor, 3 for the Angel's Talon sword, and 4 for the Angelsguard armor.

Once I can make these when I get the needed ingredients I'll be thrilled as I want to see what kind of dang sword that main NPC knight guy was using on me in the "Gilded Guilds" quest since it had a nice visual and audio effect. I've read elsewhere that if you kill him in the duel to the death option at the end of the quest you get the Doomplate saying something about you stripped it from his corpse, so I am partially assuming it would logically be a Doomsword but wont know till I can actually make one.

Also in regards to the post with the replies about the -50 debuff when using the Doomsword i'd be willing to bet that if your hero has the "Evil" trait it probably dosent occur or might be lower. Now I want to try that out also :)

Offline Slingsby

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2011, 11:11:28 AM »
Soooo ... if I have an active Hero who has fragments, he can drag them onto the Blacksmith? or into the Forge?

Hmmm ... I didn't think they were an Ale/Wine ingredient, but wondered whether the Wizard might want them.

Offline MrGabic

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Re: Mystic Metal Fragments
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2011, 01:15:05 PM »
Soooo ... if I have an active Hero who has fragments, he can drag them onto the Blacksmith? or into the Forge?

Hmmm ... I didn't think they were an Ale/Wine ingredient, but wondered whether the Wizard might want them.

You can drag them onto the blacksmith's inventory and to do that you must have the hero with fragments in a quest with the blacksmith as the primary or secondary hero.
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