Author Topic: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest  (Read 26745 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:58:16 PM »
I've spent all morning since I got this quest trying to figure out how to get the legendary trait.   There are three sections in the quest line where choices have to be made.   There are also two major battles (at least) that have to be won/lost.    The first two times I did this quest before today I almost always lost the first fight.  However, one time it ended with the Black Knight appearing and one time it did not.  Today, I have won almost every first round and lost once or twice on purpose and was still unable to get the Black Knight appear.   I get the feeling it's because of my level.   I googled black knight and sims medieval and someone said they're knight was level 5 so I even drug out the quest to get my knight to level 5 to see if I could get him to pop then and he didn't.  I also won the first fight which makes me wonder if I should try it yet again just to see but I'm getting sick of this questline as you all can imagine because with each restart things change.  I will say for a fact that I'm fairly certain that you cannot grab this quest as a level 1 knight and get the legendary trait.  I have done it frontwards and backwards several times over taking different options amongst the three choices and winning/losing the battles and the black knight never reappears.   The third choice is almost always going to be to bestow a favor (I believe as I tried both ways earlier and nothing) since the Black Knight comes to steal the girl.  I think if you actually defeat the Black Knight that's how you get your legendary trait.   The Black Knight is not easy at all as the one time I did fight him I know I lost.

Whoops sorry for wall of text there but I just thought I'd share.   If anyone does get the LT from this quest maybe share what level you were from the start and what choices you made - thanks!  Also the only game Sim I've ever met with a LT shows up for this quest.  (it's the fair maiden)
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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 04:22:38 PM »
I know I played this one and got the LT, but I can't remember for sure exactly what I did.  I did defeat the Black Knight.  I'm pretty sure my Knight was a higher level.  I joined the guild even when I had the option to find out more about it (I'm not sure I made the better choice).

One thing I thought was funny, though, was that I learned one of the Black Knight's traits was Friendly, which I thought was ironic, because the game text made him seem like such a jerk.

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Offline Kai Heilos

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2011, 02:21:03 PM »
I've tried this quest with just about every combination I can think off, my level 10 Knight gets the black knight every time.

Edit: Checked the maiden and she had Guild connections as a LT, also my squire had Industrious.

Edit 2:Started at level 1, leveled up to 10, got nothing.
started at level 4, leveled up to 5, got nothing.

Edit 3: Started at level 5, got the LT. Seems that is indeed the requirement and it checks it when you take the quest.

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 03:24:50 AM »
Drat!  I just did this one today.  My level 7 knight beat everybody one, two, three so no maiden to rescue, no Black Knight and no LT either.  Phooey!
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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 06:39:05 AM »
I ran through this quest last night with my level 7 Knight. The legendary trait trigger appears to be at the banquet after the first duel. When given the choice between dancing or offering the Maiden a favour, pick the favour, even if your knight is female (mine is), that will cause her to be kidnapped by the Black Knight during/after your second duel.

Offline Kai Heilos

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2011, 07:33:26 AM »
Nothing in the quest itself seems to affect the possibility of getting the LT at all. On my level 10 knight I have gone through this quest multiple times, I have sent the squire to fetch my armour, gone to get it myself, brawled the duke or just threatened him, danced to the lute or favoured the maiden, beat both knights, beat just one, lost to them both.

Every single time I do this quest with a level 5+ knight I get the black knight encounter at the end. If my knight is not level 5, I get no encounter.

Edit: My Black Knights traits are Creative Cook, Greedy, Evil which fits well :)


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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2011, 05:48:49 PM »
By the Watcher! I didn't even know there was a Legendary Trait with this thing, and I just did it last night!  :o

I had no idea there even WAS a black knight involved... Seriously, not a mention of it. Maybe because my knight was only Level One when he started? I got him to Level 6 by the end of it - if I hadn't, I doubt he could have won the tourney... But maybe he was supposed to go down???

Goodness. I'll have to re-do this one on my next Ambition! LOL

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Offline Kai Heilos

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 01:45:30 PM »
If I remember correctly, there's a small note at the end of the description you may be able to get a trait, but if you're not a high enough level there doesn't seem to be any way at all to get it, no matter what you do or how much you level during the quest.

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2011, 05:19:21 PM »
I completed this in my first ambition and got legendary, maybe I was lucky enough to make the right choices. I know my knight didn't win every encounter, in fact I believe he lost two fights and still came out legendary.


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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2011, 09:29:27 AM »
I attempted this quest and saved using save as at each choice juncture, but have not been able to get the Legendary Trait. My knight was a level 10+ (this is after the latest patch and she had about 3 or 4 bonus levels on top of the 10).

I shall be disappointed if I have run into a bugged quest. I ususally manage to avoid most bugs that other people get.

Does anybody have any ideas on possibly making this work, or should I just give up? I guess I could always just create my next ambition world (this Legendary Trait quest was the last of the quest points for the ambition - I was going to take my knight on as the next monarch) with the Evil, murderous King and see how that plays out.  :D


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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2011, 03:33:13 PM »
From my experience and research I believe that:
  • You must be level 5 or higher when starting the quest.
  • You must defeat the Black Knight.
  • It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the first two battles.

I will test the Bestow Favour/ Dance option and report back. I think it unlikely that any of the other options will affect the Black Knight turning up or not.

Offline chrissie

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2011, 04:00:03 AM »
I've used both the dance and favour options, The black knight turned up with the dance option, but no kidnap. When I tried the favour option the knight did not turn up nor was the maiden kidnapped. So I think it's random possibly.

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2011, 10:14:00 PM »
I have the latest patch installed, and just got this trait tonight.

My knight was level 7 at the beginning, which goes along with the "must be level 5+ to start" thing that others have said.

He bestowed the favor on the fair maiden in the banquet hall.  He bought his own gear instead of sending the squire, and challenged the Count of Tredony to a duel rather than brawl him.

He won the duel against the Count of Tredony, but was defeated by the Guru in the second battle.  I made sure he equipped the gear from the village that he was given for these fights. (He actually had better gear, but I wasn't sure if using the quest items made a difference.)

Even after being defeated, he was still asked to help with the black knight, which surprised me.  I went ahead and had him sleep since it was late, and equipped his regular gear (legendary quality Lord's Plate and a Longclaw from the Crab Bandit quest) to deal with the knight.  He defeated him pretty easily.  By now he was level 8, bordering on 9.

When he defeated the knight he got to pick a legendary trait.
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Offline chrissie

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2011, 04:29:47 PM »
Last time I played this the squire went to collect the gear and never returned from the village! I waited three Sim days but he never came back so I had to quit the quest. Next time the knight can get his/her own stuff.

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Re: War Games - Knight only Legendary Trait quest
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 05:12:50 PM »
I've just completed this quest with my level 10 knight.  He defeated all the challengers, including the black knight who appeared after the maiden was kidnapped.  There was no legendary trait, which is annoying because I was doing the quest just for that.  I spent all that time levelling up my knight so he could win the tournament and it was for nothing.  Does anyone know what you have to do to get the legendary trait?  Obviously neither the maiden's kidnapping or the knight winning the battles is the key, but what is?
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