My monarch has the hubris FF and it rarely affects her and only 1 stack at a time when it does. I usually am able to keep her so well buffed that the hubris debuff is just a blip on the radar. I can see how it would be problem for a hero who has to do the same task 5 times in a row as part of their responsibilities.
My wizard had the fool FF and it rarely, if ever, affected her. They get a befuddled debuff from going to the bookshelf and selecting 'Read' - although if I directed her to read a particular book she wouldn't get befuddled. Also, doing research occasionally led to a -10 debuff.
My major redo would be to give my wizard the earthy trait. She is always out collecting and it would have been nice to get a buff for doing so. This trait would also work well on a physician since they have to go collect herbs quite often.
My physician is cursed and I haven't found any way to deal with it yet. She will randomly wake up with a black cloud of flies over her head and a debuff that lasts the whole day (like lucky/unlucky in TS3). I don't recall how big the debuff is, but I haven't had any problem keeping her focus maxed out in spite of it.
My least favorite FF so far is bloodthirsty. I gave it to my blacksmith and he wants to go out and get into fights a couple of times a day because of it. The debuff from not fighting isn't too bad, maybe -10 or so. The problem is, if he ends up in a fistfight and loses he ends up with several big debuffs that are hard to recover from. If he wins then he gets some nice buffs - but in the end I've just stopped him from fighting because it's easier to deal with that debuff than the whole lot of them if he loses.
My spy has the cruel FF and it isn't too bad. When she gets the debuff I just have her walk up to someone and argue once. She gets a nice buff and then apologizes so she doesn't have a bunch of enemies. It does make it harder to make friends, but she's a bad egg and not too likeable anyhow (evil and some other unpleasant trait).