Author Topic: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3  (Read 1107290 times)

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1680 on: December 18, 2013, 10:33:04 PM »
Nikita and Iqbal...that will undoubtedly be an interesting pairing. Do you have any plans for pairing her with Jack Bunch or Boyd Wainwright by chance...?

All of men would get Nikita love, Raia. Don't worry as my project to get all men genetic and three children as requirement before Nikita would move on to her next victim ::)
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1681 on: December 19, 2013, 05:45:55 PM »
The children of Iqbal Alvi and Nikita Alto (previously known as Nick Alto)

Oh, Nick had ability to change his form into Nikita mode. After he had the baby that he wanted he change his form back to male as I am collecting photos with townies that Nikita had children with as proof, just one kissing picture. And no romance initiated after that, Nick does something that he must do like his job and as well Iqbal and his life. Nick has manipulator reputation so far; I aimed for Man Eater or Don Juan reputation. This is so exciting because I must avoid to being accused by other romantic interest and I must keep their relationship at maximum bar. So far I did it without an LTR.

Oh, the reason why Pierre was there, he's the chosen heir that I pick from Andrews. He had his requirements before he could go, which are lifetime wish and one Super Max skill so after he done that. He’ll free to join other siblings with their own home. I did this to figure out about Super Max that I would pick in my Dynasty and this is quite neat as training section as well.  This was the challenge that I did to myself.

1st: Atika Alvi

Good, Hopeless Romantic, Charismatic, Coward and Friendly

Although she is from poor family, but Atika live up her name as the generous one and she’s well-loved by everyone because of her friendly attitude. She always grateful for the thing that she had and she always teach her siblings to being the one unfortunately Almira didn’t agree with her.

Atika means Generous in Arabic language. She’s born slightly curvy like Iqbal. She has Nick hair and his blue eyes but… I don’t know to tell the rest I bet you’re good at telling what feature that she had than me.

2nd: Almira Alvi

Hates the Outdoor, Perfectionist, Kleptomaniac, Snob and Artistic

She is the low-budget snob princess. She always look higher than she should be, envy and jealous of people success but she never try to become of them and look down upon people who under her. Strangely she always has something that makes her looks fashionable even her family didn’t have any money to afford that. Where did she get these things?

Almira means Princess in Arabic language. She’s born slighty curvy like Iqbal and she is pretty much like Iqbal everything else except her green eyes. Where did that eyes colour come from?

3rd: Umar Alvi

Couch Potato, Commitment Issue, Frugal, Ambitious and Born Salesman

There a song that said ‘Don’t Fall in love with a Dreamer”. Well, Umar is a dreamer that the song mentioned about, he never commits with his works and his relationship. He feels sick of his poor life, he wants to change and he has so many dreams that he wants to achieve for but he’s too lazy for it, even just wake up from the bed or taking a bath. He never knew that he had diamond in rough inside him that need to be polished. Would he realize that?

Umar means Prosper in Arabic language, just like his Dad name. Well, he has Nick hair and his blue eyes… and it seems he has some feature from Iqbal as well.

Nikita targeted Jack Bunch as her next target :)
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1682 on: December 19, 2013, 08:11:39 PM »
Atika is adorable!

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1683 on: December 19, 2013, 08:18:34 PM »
Yes, she is. I also loved her, but looking at Iqbal child, mmm... I don't think that I have eyes beside Almira. Too bad that I already chose Almira as the heiress. She is good to begin with so I wouldn’t worry about her. Almira is the source of problem if she not being the one to deal with ;D

I already had three heirs so, it’s heiress time. After the cycle is done, I would come with another heir as well. Not to forget to mention dead Sims also will involved with Genetic Challenge. As one of Nikita child would be take the role as The Witch.
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Offline linmayu

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1684 on: December 20, 2013, 12:54:18 PM »
Hahahaha oh man, that picture of Iqbal and Nick kissing in front of the kids is priceless, Eldridge, you just made my day, week, month, and year!  <3

Offline laugh-dream-love

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1685 on: December 21, 2013, 04:56:30 AM »

Theo Hudson, son of Kinslee and Ariel Hudson from Lucky Palms. They also have another son named Lyle, but he's still a nooboo. I'll post more pictures when the boys grow up :)

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1686 on: December 21, 2013, 05:09:09 AM »
I never play Lucky Palms so I don't know them well. But, according to SimWikia, he gains that hair from his mother but I can't see clearly about his eyes. It's from his father or mother? It seems that he has his mother nose as well.

This is great, thanks for sharing. Hope to see more!
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1687 on: December 21, 2013, 06:38:04 AM »
Hahahaha oh man, that picture of Iqbal and Nick kissing in front of the kids is priceless, Eldridge, you just made my day, week, month, and year!  <3

Glad that you loved that ;D

The children of Jack Bunch and Nikita Alto (previously known as Nick Alto)

For people who don't familiar with them. I change Nick into Nikita to make it happens.

I only did as Jack wish, he often rolled to having boy totally different from Iqbal who always wish for girl. I alter the gender of baby when he rolled to have baby boy again as the last child, so it’s watermelon time for Nikita.

1st: Arthur Bunch

Brave, Technophobe, Handy, Heavy Sleeper and Athletic + Proper (Jocks Social Group)

Arthur believes that he’s not belonging to this era. As he’s not fit well with other citizen and he’s so outdated with technology that he hated the most because every time that people teach him even a simple thing he doesn’t understand, he also can’t enjoy the popular game like everyone else play, The Humans 3.

He’s a practical person and do everything in simple way but thoughtful, he also romantic in old way which most of people already forgotten about that. Arthur always wonder why it seems so familiar when he reading something about Medieval History especially when talking about a sword that called Excalibur, he always excited even he never see one himself.

A precocious child and often talking about strange thing since he was a child that even Jack doesn’t understand, like he wants to meet Merlin, Uther Pendragon and especially someone who has Guinevere name who he said is his true love.

That’s why he dressed like one of those old folk when he growing up which make people often think he’s insane. But, no one ever wonders what’s sleeping beneath his Soul that has waiting to be awakened and his own adventure that he never expected…

Origin of Arthur name is from Celtic and that means “Bear”. He’s totally Jack with Nick nose and blue eyes and Jack large body and no muscle, well Nick has muscle.

2nd: Theodore Bunch

Unlucky, Good, Loser, Hopeless Romantic and Friendly + Family Oriented (Nerds Social Group)

He’s the brother who always been protected by Arthur. He has traumatic past because a male stranger abuse him when he’s playing at the park as a little child who offer him candy if he go with that stranger. That also led to so many psychological problems that he deals now.

He has a dream to be a Fashion Designer, but he’s afraid that people will mock his dream because usually female is the one who take that role. He also conceals his love for pink colour because that’s too girly. He knows a person who has been target of bullying just because that boy loves pink.

But, how long that he must fake himself through everyone? Sooner or later people might notice about unusual behavior that he had. Jack, Arthur and Eleanor know him and already accept him as who he is, even that he’s end up with guy that’s fine for Jack, Arthur and Eleanor because whoever he is, they always loved him. But the problem is he didn’t accept himself for being one who feels different and he always blame himself if his family being gossip around the town just because of him.

Arthur usually come up to the rescue and he know when his little brother in danger and beat people who dare to make fun of him. That’s brother for you. Would he find the peace that he seeks? Would he find the one who truly love him for whoever he is?

Well, he ends up with a girl who happens had similar past. The funny part is while Theo has strong feminine side; his true love is totally masculine and rebelious and she always there for him and protects him with any cost and he become a househusband while doing activity that he loved and spend most of the time with children.

Origin of Theodore name is from Greek that means “gift of God”. He’s totally opposite from Arthur. He has Nick hair, Jack eyes and nose plus Nick large body with muscle.

3rd: Eleanor Bunch

Unflirty, Brave, Rebellious, Genius and Ambitious + Workaholic (Rebels Social Group)

She knows herself that she’s not pretty like other women but she believes that what is make women worth not only their physical appearance alone, what comes inside what’s really matter. Together with Arthur, she protects her beloved big brother who has nickname Teddy from her, but indirectly.

Eleanor shares the love of pink with Theo, which they are close with each other. Often Theo always takes care of her, help her to do her homework, listen to her problem as well. That makes she has soft spot toward people with a different gender oriented and she quite a feminist herself. She wants to be a Politician but she changed her mind to be an Astronaut instead, she wants to prove that even a woman could go to the moon.

She also not interest in early marriage until she achieve her dream first and men who flirt over her usually disappointed because of her unflirty nature. Don’t be fooled by her appearance alone, she dress like a normal woman but she secretly the gangster leader that has been feared in Sunset Valley. Eleanor sends her henchmen to take care who dare to hurt Teddy. And she is the one who helped Theo to find his soul mate who happens to be her henchmen who perfectly disguise herself as a man.

Origin of Eleanor name is from Greek which means “Bright, Shining One”. I don’t have to say it again because she is the female version of Theodore. Oh, she is curvy to begin with so I have to slim her down.

I totally can’t decide about the heir, but because its heiress time so it would be Eleanor as her name based on my favourite real people, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Nikita’s Next Victim:
Gunther Goth
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Luna

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1688 on: December 21, 2013, 07:12:03 AM »
You seem enjoying yourself a lot ;D

Well, I would love to choose Theo for his background story alone. But, Arthur looks gorgeous and his story looks exciting! Good luck with Eleanor :)
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Offline laugh-dream-love

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1689 on: December 21, 2013, 09:46:38 AM »

Theo Hudson - He has Kinslee's hair, but I'm not sure who's eyes he has. They're dark green, but I can't see to tell which parent they're from; both have quite dark eyes from what I can tell.

Lyle Hudson - He has Ariel's hair, and the same colour eyes as Theo.

Both boys were born to Kinslee and Ariel Hudson from Lucky Palms.

Offline Beezy

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1690 on: December 21, 2013, 10:16:37 AM »
I think I like Lyle better than Theo.

Here's another beautiful child from Bridgeport:

Anita Logan-Bloom. Daughter of Moxie Logan and Apollo Bloom. She's very pretty.

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1691 on: December 21, 2013, 11:07:53 AM »
@Corey: She's absolutely gorgeous! I still have plans for a Bridgeport decadynasty that crams the entire city into its family tree, so I might have to keep that pairing in mind. ;)

@laugh-dream-love: The boys pull off that long facial structure pretty well. I like them!

@Eldridge: I can't exactly say that Nikita/Jack produced the best kids out of the Nikita project, but I like Arthur quite a bit. Eleanor has a vintage charm to her, but her nose isn't great.

I'm still reeling over the death of generation three's husband in my immortal dynasty, so I'll share a picture of him in his prime, since his parents were original townies. His name was Bronson Curious. His parents were Bunny Curious and Lincoln Baker, of Twinbrook. Obviously.

Even taking his permanent smile (thanks Lincoln) and weirdly-rotated nose (thanks Bunny), I think that Bronson turned out spectacularly well. Generation four definitely did, anyways, all thanks to Bronson! And he had the sweetest smile as a teen:

I have a lot of good original townie children in this file, but somehow I managed to not get good shots of most of them. Bummer.
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1692 on: December 21, 2013, 01:06:38 PM »
@laugh-dream-love: I think I love Lyle Hudson!

@Corey: I agree with you! Wow, she looks a barbie!

@Trip: I agree, her nose is the real problem why I stated that in her biography that she is admit that she's not pretty. I guess Iqbal and Jack didn't produce something that I expected. I also love Arthur it's hard for me to choose style for them. Especially for hair, clothes and facial hair. I'm starting to running out of idea, haha. They're looking good in my eyes though.

I never explore Twinbrook so much, so I only know Curious family from The Sims 2. Oh, so it's okay to post the next generation as well? Like generation 3 as long it still original townie? I have plan the heir will conquer female in Sunset Valley behalf of Nikita though.

“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1693 on: December 21, 2013, 01:47:04 PM »
I don't think the thread allows for grandchildren of original townies. Or else I could share a ton more pictures. :P
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #1694 on: December 21, 2013, 02:00:56 PM »
I don't think the thread allows for grandchildren of original townies. Or else I could share a ton more pictures. :P

Oh, if only. :)

@ Eld - I dunno, I actually kind of like Eleanor. She's more cute and quirky than pretty, which is just as awesome. That could also be why I like her half-brother Arlo. :)

