Now I'm playing Twinbook and I strongly doubt that I could find some pretty offspring from sims in Twinbook to my households children, and I want show the first children who been born while I played this world
Oscar Goode, the son of Goodwin and Jenni Jones-Brown, whom are married before their son was born
Theresa Green, daughter of Buck Green and Kat Hunter
Hansel Bayless, third child to Bayless-couple
Miriam Drudge, Shamus and Eva's daughter
Son of DeAndre Wolfe and Gala Ball, Abraham Wolfe
Natalie Brandt, daughter to Marc Brandt and Amy Bull
Adolph Prudence, the love child of Phoenix and Molly Cuddle
Helena Knack, second daughter of Nick and Pattina Knack
She reminds me of Holly Alto, just with more kinder eyes and eyebrows..
Clark Peddler and Mary Baker's son, Victor Peddle