Some kids born into my game from townies
(From Dynastys)
Jayla Wan- The current heir of my deca dynasty Pauline and Hanks daughter.
Lucas wan- Jayla's little brother.
Jayden Steel- Tori Kimura and Chris steels kid
Maxwell steel- Tori kimuria and Chris steel again. (Pay no attention to the NPC Babysitter girl.)
And Cassidy Steel Chris steel and Tori Kimurias daughter.
Ariane Ursine- the baby Claire is Pregnant with at the start of the game
Shanita wolff- Thronton and Morgana wolff daughter.
Last but Not Least.
Timmothy mcIrish, (Lucas is there too, Timmothy is the one with the ginger hair.)
Son Of River McIrish and Connor Frio.