The game I'm playing shocked me. Not only did Morgana and Thornton have 1 kid, they had 2!! I "kidnapped" one of them to marry my granddaughter, this is Clark Wolff.
The other one is named Rashawn and is still a toddler. I'll grab a pic of him when I remember. Also, Jared and Claire had a girl named Gena. I'll try and grab a pic of her too.
EDIT: I still have the game running, so I decided to grab Gena. This is Gena with the hairstyle the game gave her.
This is Gena with my right-now favorite hair. I bought it from the store for 100 simpoints, and it is gorgeous! My old-favorite used to be the one from WA, now it's this one.
Don't ask why I love it, I just do.