Author Topic: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3  (Read 1101750 times)

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2610 on: April 25, 2021, 03:01:32 AM »
@deedee_828 ;D Except Lunar Lakes is set in the future and Sofia is a YA. Bella Goth is, I believe, an Adult (and dead..minor detail). But she was dumped on Lunar Lakes by the aliens. It has been confirmed by Maxis.

@Trip: Yeah, impostor sounds nice - I'm so upset, lol. I suppose she could be the descendant of a widow or widower who married into the Alvi family and took their surname. An impure Alvi strain, if you will...think I'm going to faint. The audacity :o

Now, I must go and play some in Lunar Lakes!
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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2611 on: April 25, 2021, 03:57:19 AM »
That's what happens when you don't keep the blood line pure! Button-nosed imposters! lol

I think VJ and Miraj need to take a little trip to Lunar Lakes and have a little talk with someone who dares to flaunt the Alvi name without the requisite nose!

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2612 on: April 25, 2021, 06:49:29 AM »
ROFL! I am deeply touched by the support and sympathy shown towards my beloved Alvis ;D

Much love <3
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Offline Simkittyx

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2613 on: April 26, 2021, 04:24:52 PM »
We can't have imposter Alvis XD Did you ever try VJ with Jessica by the way?

@Nindigo you were curious about my Claire x Leighton and Gus x Vita kiddos and @deedee_828 you were curious about Nancy and Nick kiddos so this ones for you. :D

Claire and Leighton had

Clint, Corey, Robi and Leah
Leah is my fave. I don't know where the blonde hair came from (Yumi?) but it really suits her.

Nancy and Nick were super easy to get together. They went from frenemies to besotted lovers very very quickly all it took was a bit of work talk, friendly banter and some flirting.

Together they had Carina, Don

Arron and Lucy
Honestly recommend people trying this pairing. Nick and Nancy were constantly swooning & smooching! Nicks a hands on dad and Nancy even got involved too!

However, Vita and Geoffrey were an absolute no-no. No matter how hard I tried they could not move out of the enemy zone. Every time they took a small step forward they took two back and were constantly bored by each other so after trying and trying, I eventually gave up.

And in a surprising turn of events, Vita set her eyes on Gus! (but she had to give him a Vita-approved makeover first and keep their relationship on the down low!)
Gus and Vita had

Noah and Carolina

Meanwhile, Dorie and Geoffrey got together and had

Coy, Laron and Jenny
I love Dorie to bits but there's hardly any Geoffrey in her kids!

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2614 on: April 26, 2021, 05:32:18 PM »
Wow! Those are great looking kids!

Claire and Leighton's, Nick and Nancy's, and Dorie and Geoffrey's kids all look nice, even Gus and Vita's didn't turn out half bad.

Jenny really appeals to me, what a cutie!

And I love Lucy's impish look! (Even though she's not a red head!)

Offline Simkittyx

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2615 on: April 28, 2021, 05:55:52 PM »
Thanks deedee! I'm honestly tempted to go back to Sunset Valley and repeat some of these pairings (amongst others) to see what other results I get. I really like Jenny and Lucy too :)

@Nindigo This ones for you. VJ Alvi and Jessica Talon babies.

Dionne, Lashonda and Juana

Zaynab and Shireen

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2616 on: April 28, 2021, 06:54:28 PM »
I love the dark skin color. Juana is my favorite, because nose. But also because I'm partial VJ's features over Jessica's. I'm a bit of a lost cause when it comes to the Alvi brothers ::) I don't know why so many Bridgeport Sims have super pronounced cheekbones - or none at all, like Devin Ashton and Matthew Hamming.

Thank you for giving it a shot. I'll try myself eventually as well. I'm curious to see how the Random Genetics mod will handle some pairings I have in mind. NRaas StoryProgression's Population module also specifically makes offspring less clone-ish of their parents. Some of VJ and Miraj's kids with one another are super dear to me due to their uniqueness thanks to that mod.
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Offline Simkittyx

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2617 on: April 29, 2021, 10:11:08 AM »
Yes! I think she's my fave too. I personally think she's a good mix. She has Jessicas big eyes and lips? but with VJs nose and colouring and a darker skintone. They work together perfectly!
I actually didn't realize how small VJs eyes were until doing this but then again that's probably just because Jess has such big eyes to begin with xD Would ofcourse love to see your results too for comparison :D

Aww I could never do VJ X Miraj kids due to them being brothers but I do appreciate your love and commitment to them. :)

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2618 on: April 29, 2021, 10:56:14 AM »
It's amazing how we find sims, pre-made or ones we've created, creeping into our hearts.

There are just specific ones that, no matter their roll of the trait dice, we find appealing.

Maybe because of the traits they have and the fact that some don't find them appealing at all?

I, for one, have a soft spot for my Claire Ursine and Jared Frio, the founders in my TJ game. :)

Not many players care for them with their less than stellar personalities, and Claire's original in-game look is less than appealing.
And with them starting off in Sunset Valley as ex-lovers and Claire expecting Jared's child, not your typical Founder couple!

But having to deal with their traits, not being able to change them, was actually a lot of fun and gave them very distinct personalities.
And made me love them all the more, as though Jared is a big jerk most of the time, after he made up with Claire, he's the one that popped the wish to get married, and could be very romantic with her.

Unlike most of my own pre-mades that are typically: Good, Friendly, Artistic, Bookworms and Virtuosos, with a couple of Geniuses or Athletic sims thrown in the mix, once in a while.
Though those are great traits for a sim, choosing the same ones makes very boring games with not much variety.

Which is why I now prefer random traits where you still get a fair share of positive traits, but it can also throw some odd ones in to make it interesting!
Either a trait to try and overcome, just try to ignore, or embrace fully, making them unique. :)

Of course, any pre-mades that have unique hair or facial features are always great for a Town Jump, and this thread has helped me know where many more of those unique sims reside.

Though I can't remember if there were any of those in Monte Vista, have any of you come across any for me to watch out for?

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2619 on: April 29, 2021, 02:23:28 PM »
Monte Vista Sims are mostly, if not all, pudding faces hiding behind those sunglasses that everyone is wearing :-\
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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2620 on: April 29, 2021, 02:47:01 PM »
That's what I remember too, unfortunately, from playing a side game with Marley Swanson's birth parents in MV.

Though Rosalie Ferrari who ended up as Joshua's teen girlfriend was quite pretty despite being rather vanilla.
Her parents are Gino Ferrari and Jalissa Rivers, if my memory is correct.

She's a pretty YA too, but not very unique.

I wonder if they have any unique homeless or NPC sims in MV?
I may have to do more digging!

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2621 on: April 29, 2021, 03:37:37 PM »
Digging for Sims can be a lot of fun for sure.

I love that dark toffee-colored skintone - yum. Makes me want to take a bite.

Musa below with mutant blond hair is one of my favorite VJ x Miraj kids - their number 8:

Musa is a fairy with golden wings that he passed down to his son, Musad.

He has some titles too - Great Smacker of Gnomes and King of Al Simhara
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Offline Simkittyx

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2622 on: April 29, 2021, 04:03:14 PM »
@deedee_828 I completely agree! I personally love Claire and Jared myself (both together and seperately)  I honestly find sims that have a bit more of a mixed bag of traits make it more fun to play as like you said, it keeps things intresting and is a bit more realistic. No ones perfect. Have you tried a not-so-berry challenge? I think you'd like it. It's basically a colour challenge where the kids have to have specific traits which may not be your usual so it kinda forces you to play sims you wouldn't usually play.

I just checked my most recent SV save and alot of my common pairings are together again! xD 
VJ Alvi and Lisa Bunch
Connor Frio and Madison Van Watson
Jared Frio and Monika Morris
Emma Hatch and Stiles McGraw
Blair Wainwright and Cyclone Sword
Holly Alto and Bebe Hart

Unforunetly I don't have Monte Vista and haven't played there but looking at the residents list, it doesn't look the most diverse. I'd still love to see what you come up with though :)

@Nindigo wow Musa is a handsome chap. You can tell he's an Alvi alright. I love that his hair matches his wings. xD

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2623 on: April 29, 2021, 06:22:01 PM »
@Simkittyx Thanks so much for the link to the not-so-berry challenge!

I've never seen it before and it looks fun!

I read over all the rules but I'm not sure how you get the generational hair colors.
Just make your founder have mint hair and then each gen gets the colored hair required?

I'd love to to try it with a TJ sort of game and get all the hair colors naturally using all those great sims we've discovered in some of the towns!

Sunset Valley's VJ Alvi's blue/black, of course, an Isla Paradiso child of Matteo Torres who has at least turquoise hair and maybe skin and eyes too, one of Bridgeport's sims that has a distinctive hair color, like Jupiter Belle, or any of the others you've made us aware of in this great thread!

Of course, you could probably play the entire 10 generations in Dragon Valley and get all of those hair colors too, plus actual 'berry' skin tones!

Now you've gotten me all excited about yet another game/story! :)

I need to go reread the Sims 3 rules as well as look at the original Sim 4 rules and see just how this could work!

Offline Simkittyx

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Re: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3
« Reply #2624 on: May 01, 2021, 09:28:24 AM »
@deedee_828 Yes. The founder has to have mint hair but it's entirely up to you how you go about the colour aspect after that. Some people have manually changed the hair colour per gen, some have gone the more natural route (i.e. blonde = yellow, ginger = orange etc.) though certain colours are a bit more difficult this way but there are plenty of colourful haired sims around too. 
I've not got very far myself but have been enjoying it so far. I used a kid of Juan Darer and Dilly Pidgin to get the rose hair colour ;D (Don't worry he got all the best features from both!)
Pretty sure you could easily combine it with a town jump story and yes, get all 10 berry skintones in Dragon Valley if you wanted to too xD