Author Topic: Children Born to Original Townies - Sims 3  (Read 1102015 times)

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2355 on: August 03, 2018, 08:52:53 PM »
I'm playing Agnes Crumplebottom today and a couple of hours ago, she gave birth to a daughter whose father is Gunther Goth. I have played with this combination before, but I'm looking forward to see her grow up anyway. Her name is Berdina Crumplebottom. Gunther is still married to Cornelia, but is living with Agnes and Berdina as a happy family. Will post piccies soon!
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Offline Mouth Fluids

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2356 on: October 03, 2018, 06:04:48 AM »
I'm playing Riverview right now and Hannah & Aiden Jones have had six kids together

(Gen 2) Delaney Jones.jpg

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2357 on: October 10, 2018, 09:20:37 PM »
Still playing Riverview. My main household is the Shelley Household.
Constance had tow daughters with Hal Breckenridge and one daughter with Don Lothario

(Gen 2) Prudence Breckenridge.jpg
Prudence Plum Breckenridge
Verity Fleur Breckenridge
2 (16).jpg
Temperance Olive Lothario

Offline zamueh

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2358 on: October 16, 2018, 01:45:48 PM »
Prudence is incredibly beautiful :o

Offline LadyMacGuffin

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2359 on: November 11, 2018, 04:35:28 PM »
Evan Worthington, son of Girbits Worthington and Lela Whitfield of Starlight Shores. Evan is one of my favourite sims, and I put him in a lot of my towns. I've played him directly, too. I have to admit, I do have a thing for men with dark hair and a prominent nose, so Evan is exactly "my type", hehe.  ;D 

You can see he got his father's nose and his mother's enormous eyes. He's also got quite prominent ears under all that hair. He also has custom skin and a bit of makeup (eye bags), but he is otherwise unaltered.

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2360 on: February 20, 2019, 11:14:32 PM »
Belle and Briar. Parents are Beau and Victoria Andrews, Sunset Valley.


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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2361 on: February 20, 2019, 11:36:23 PM »
Particularly with Briar, no doubting who the father is :D

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2362 on: March 12, 2019, 01:27:44 PM »
So I've only just discovered this thread (I wish I discovered it sooner as now I am probably the only one here!) but I thought it was just me that loved giving the townies some love!
I always have a save dedicated to them, give them all a makeover and watch what happens. I've had SO many townie kids over the years (some of which I can sadly no longer share) and find it fascinating seeing what townies get together and how their genetics work. Sometimes you get some really random combinations that you would have never have thought of!

It's been so long and a few computers later I no longer have the screenshots but luckily I have a whole bunch uploaded to the exchange so... (be warned, there is quite alot so it's going to take up a few posts!)

In my original game long ago...
Blair and Aimee got with their roommates Stiles and Cyclone. (this seems to be the norm in many of my saves and I love it!)
Blair and Stiles had-

Tricia, Franchesca and Raven
I honestly love how these 3 turned out.  For me, it just makes sense for Blair and Stiles to end up together (because they always seem to get together) and there genetics definetly play nice together. Tricia is my fave of these 3.

Emma and Cyclone had

Aimee, Juliette and Quentin
Again, I love how these turned out but Aimee is my fave. I feel Emma is such a pretty but underrated sim. She also has very strong genes. I can always tell when it's an Emma child. xD

Tamara Donner married Xander Clavell but they never had kids. (or if they did, I don't remember and they got deleted from the exchange... It's been so long. I honestly don't remember. I just remember these 3 couples where very very common in my save files.)

More recently I was inspired to do this again and see what happened.
Turned out Tamara had got with Cyclone whilst Emma had got with Stiles. (I'm not sure I like this turn of events but hey... this is what happened!)
Tamara and Cyclone had

Thomas. He's definetly taken after his mother and whilst I find Tamara a pretty sim, I'm not quite sure her features work as well on a male sadly.
Emma and Stiles had

Spring & Rosemary. Both cute. Again all I see is Emmas genes but I think she worked better with Cyclone.

After this turn of events, there was only one thing left to do... see the alternative!
So Tamara and Stiles had

Keri. She's stunning. She seems to take mostly after her mother but Stiles genes have definetly helped. (Don't know where the purple eyes came from but I'm not complaining!)

Blair and Cyclone had

Eva. She's different but I like her. She got Cyclones rather large nose but I think she manages to pull it off.

I believe we can only post 10 at once so it made sense to do all the Roomies kids in one post. I will post again with more.

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2363 on: March 12, 2019, 02:13:31 PM »
Back to my original playthrough long ago....

Claire Ursine and Jared Frio had their daughter...

Yadira. I have never heard of this name but I think she's pretty. I honestly haven't had any bad Claire Jared kids in my games... *shrug*

Jocasta and Simis had another son

This is Stanley. I mean.... he's not bad. His nose is a little large but other than that..

Morgana and Thorton also had a child. Just the 1.

The stunning Hillary Wolf. Honestly, she's perfect! I've had a few (lost) attempts at more Wolff kids but none have lived up to Hillarys expectations.

Madison VanWatson got with Connor Frio and they had 2 beautiful daughters

Priscilla and Adrianne. I think there both beautiful and both take more strongly after one parent but I feel there is a mix in there. Honestly, I absolutely loved this pairing and tried to replicate it in another save but Madison decided she wanted to be Jareds side girl instead... (Connor didn't have much luck with the ladies in this save actually but did manage to find someone eventually but more on that later..)

Monika Morris and Christopher Steel also had a son

Quentin. I mean.... he's not bad looking. I just don't have much to say about him.

I moved the Broke family into Sunset Valley and Jamie and Skip ended up together

Melody and Diane. Both stunning! There not twins but they might aswell be. Diane has slightly darker eyes and different lips but that's it.

Holly Ato and Bebe Hart (I love these two both sepately and together so had to see how a kid between them would look!)

The lovely Rebecca and Jeffrey (obviously had to cheat with this one a bit but I was curious and I'm not disappointed! <3)

Other common relationships in my game are
Molly French and Fiona McIrish (though once Molly got with River instead. I had to break that up quick! River had just turned YA and Molly was 1 day away from being an Elder!)
River McIrish and Ethan Bunch OR Sandi French (If Sandi doesn't get with River it's usually Arlo Bunch or Miraj Alvi)
I guess they have a type ;D
Lisa Bunch and VJ Alvi ALWAYS end up together.

Some random ones I've had are;
Bella Bachelor and Miraj Alvi
Michael Bachelor and Parker Langerak
Leighton Sekemoto and Christopher Steel.... Yep.

Also want to note that Malcolm had 2 gorgeous daughters with a 2nd gen townie called Misty Newman (random family that moved in). I know as she's not really an original, It's not really allowed here but I wanted to show them off so I will link to them instead January and Latonia Pretty landgraab daughters and it's fitting that both of them are Snobs xD

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2364 on: March 13, 2019, 05:57:35 PM »
So Lisa and VJ ALWAYS get together in my game. Without fail. I've never seen either with anyone else ever! Darlene seems a little less lucky in love, but I got her get together with Miraj and they were serious adorable!

Lisa and VJ had:

Alvin, Dylan, Natalie

Louisa and Randalph.
The boys tend to favour their father, whilst their girls tend to favour their mothers features but their colourings a good mix.

Darelen and Miraj had

Luna, Lexie, Mila

Cassie and Clay
The bunch genes are strong here.

Honestly I like all 10 of them :)

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2365 on: March 14, 2019, 06:49:22 AM »
In this save I decided to play the Landgraabs. I don't care for the Landgraab Alto families/rivalry so I tend to neglect them. (The exception being Holly who moves in with Bebe Hart although I ususally move Vita and Nick out and let Holly and the Harts keep the big house..)

I've had a few saves where Nancy and Geoffrey have had 1 or 2 children but I don't really take much notice.

In this save however, Nancy had an affair with Thorton Wolf. I find this intresting because not only do they work together, but Thorton was her boss despite being level 5 when Nancy was level 7... Anyway... I guess she wanted to mix business and pleasure! :O

Leon and Jackson

Poor Geoffrey stayed with her, having to keep up the facade of the perfect marriage which suited commitment issue Thorton and his dislike of children just fine.

Nancy however, then went on to start another affair with... Nick Alto. Yes. Her Rival & Enemy Nick Alto. (I like to believe the real rivalry was between her and Vita. Their husbands just got caught in the crossfire)
Nancy actually broke things off with Geoffrey to MARRY Nick. Nick had to take the Landgraab name though! Nancy won't change her name for NO man!
Anyway, they had 2 sets of twins!

Dolly & Misty

Katy & Henry
Honestly, I wasn't a big Nick fan but he was nothing like I expected! When he wasn't busy working, he was actually a doting husband and father to his 4 children! (He cut all ties with Vita and Holly)
I'm actually pleasantly surprised with how the children turned out. Some clearly favour Nancy/Nick more but I think all 4 are still a nice mix. Misty and Katy definetly got Nicks nose!

Don't feel too bad for Geoffrey though! Humble Geoffrey found love with a single Dorie Hart and they had 3 beautiful children together!

Nema, Freddie & Zena
Honestly this pairing is so random but I kinda love it! Their genes mix well together.
Nema is kinda everything I expected from this pairing having Dories dark skin and rounder face but still having that Landgraab look! (She's also an evil gennius who loves the colour Yellow - acomination I always find odd. Evil + Sunny Yellow?- and has the Landgraab Snobbery!) Freddie is just adorable, taking mostly after his dad but getting Dories cute nose whilst Zena is basically a paler Dorie with different (hands on) traits.

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2366 on: March 14, 2019, 07:18:29 AM »
In my 'free up houses' save, Gobias Koffi moved in with Agnes, they soon got together and had 2 lovely kids together.

Jonathan and Pauline. Both really pretty though I'm a bit disappointed Agnes hair didn't pass down.
I honestly thought Gobias was an Elder, turns out - nope. Just a grey haired balding male with a wacky style! (I gave him a makeover and he looks much better!). I tend to neglect Gobias but he has some good genes!

In another save Agnes got with Gunther Goth after Cornelia died so I guess they found comfort in each other.
They had

Lisette and Ralph. Really good looking kids basically clones of their parents but share the same hair colour! (Gunthers or their Grandparents!)

When Agnes moved in with Gunther, she took Eriks grave with her and after making him human again, he got with Lolita Goth and they had 3 lovelys

Angel, Magnus and Davina. I love Lolita Goth so I had to see what their babies would look like especially with them both being young adults when they died. Very very happy. They all look precious. I love Angel. She's 100% Lolita with Eriks colouring.

And ofcourse we had to have Agnes and Erik babies! So here are the Darlings!

Erika, Anita and Daisy. All blondies and absolutely gorgeous as expected xD

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2367 on: March 14, 2019, 12:35:47 PM »
I also decied to have some fun with Jared Frio and his genes...
First up the in game daughter of his with Claire

This is the lovely Mara. She's Evil but beautiful.
I also had Jared and Claire reconcile and...

This time Claire gave birth to twins Madeline and Cyrus

He also wooed Madison

They had Sonja and Brendon. Madisons genes are strong but there's no doubting that Frio nose!

Jared Monika

Monika found out Jared was wooing Madison and she was not happy so that was the end of that!
Tori and Ayesha were together in this save (though you wouldn't have thought so with the amount of Flirty messages Tori kept sending Jared!), so he moved on with....
the Roomies household..

Emma and Jared (they bonded over cooking / work)

Alicia and Nikia

Tamara and Jared

Yasmin! (I love her!) and Krystal

Blair and Jared

Dayna and Jeromy

and ofcourse he had to have kids with Jamie Jolina!

Jolina, Leanna and Lizzie. Lizzie is precious <3

He also had ca child with Zelda Mae

This is Jon Mae-Frio and he is precious!

And Children with a lovely Firefighter named Jody. (Connors fault for cooking whilst Jared was at work) She glitched on the lot (literally wouldn't leave) but was too pretty to not make the most of this.

Amber and Ruby look just like their mother but only Amber got the Frio nose.

There's a couple of blondies but that Frio hair (and his nose) is pretty dominant!

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2368 on: March 14, 2019, 01:05:56 PM »
Now Remeber a while back I said I had a save where Connor was unlucky in love but he managed to settle down? Well... he went on to have 3 lovely children with.... BLAIR WAINWRIGHT!

Issac, Kayla and Simone. There all lovely but Kayla is definetly my fave. She's a female Connor but with Blairs blonde hair. Its super sweet that Boys hair colour passed down to his grandkids though <3

Speaking of Boyd Wainwright... He and Susan had Kylie before they turned elders.

She looks just like her mother but with Boyds blue eyes but she was raised by her sister Blair.

Hank and Pauline had twins

Belina and Melinda

Thorton Wolf had kids with Jamie Jolina

Luna, Morgan and Sara - All stunning! They have some seriously good genes!

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Re: Children born to Original Townies
« Reply #2369 on: March 14, 2019, 01:26:49 PM »
Speaking of Jamie Jolina and her good genes, in one of my saves she got with Leighton Sekemoto and had several children together.

Quentin (who Sam was so sweet with growing up!), Faye, Veronica and Tamara . I feel like there a really good mix.  Faye and Veronica especially. They look different but you can just tell their Leightons!

This is the same save that when I checked in on the Working Friends household, I found Ayesha Ansari was dating Cycl0n3 Sw0rd!

They had Robin and Renee together and I definetly like the result. Robin looks like a girlier version of her mother and Renee is just a nice mix of both.
Usually Ayesha dates Tori in my game so I gave them a son..

This is Chip. Those Ansari genes (nose) are strong!

Over in Twinbrook I once had my stylist founder start a relationship with Goodwin and Sinbad (Good and Bad ;D) She had kids with both and there was alot of drama. It was a lot of fun!

This time I decided to do a similar thing but with my favourite Twinkbrook resident Amy Bull (After a makeover ofcourse!) and...
Amy and Goodwin had

Elisha and Tia - There basically mini Amys but with Goodwins big blue eyes which is what I wanted as Amys eyes are a little small. Elisha also gained Goodwins big lips whilst Tia got Amys.
She also had kids with Sinbad Rotter
Amy and Sinbad had

Dixie and Nick.
Dixie has Amys facial features but just looks like a female Sinbad. Unforunetly for him that's where all similarities end and unforunetly for Amy she doesn't share a love of fashion either. All she cares about is her books.
I think Nick looks more like a nice mix, though I'm prety sure it's all Sinbads features with Amys colouring but he is the complete opposite of his sister so the somewhat golden child.