I've been playing using Christopher Steel. I agree with everyone that Chris have some good gene. I didn't change everything about him, just his clothes and he still made some good kids. I made him a playboy and have a child with Holly Alto, Vita Alto, Morgana Wolff, Tamara Donner, Ayesha Ansari, Zelda Mae, etc. I'm just gonna upload some good results from him haha.
For info, I make Chris marry Tamara because their first child named Yolanda, for me she's very pretty. I love everything about her. I think she has Tamara's nose and eyes.
But then their second child is not as good as Yolanda. Meet Davin. His nose also from Tamara, i guess. Just a little bit bigger. If only his nose is little bit smaller, he would be so handsome.
Then I got shocked because Chris and Morgana made a very pretty kid. It's Claudia when she's Young Adult.
Peggy Mae too. I just don't like her mouth. She's blonde like Zelda Mae.
And then Chris and Ayesha Ansari also made a atractive dude. His blue eyes is so beautiful. But i dont know why Ayesha named him Tracey, which is so girly.
Last, Chris and Holly made a very pretty son. It's him when he's young adult. His name is Jeffry. I think I'm gonna make Yolanda marry him in her future haha. The only thing that's weird is his hair. His mom's is not that blonde.
I forget to capture Chris and Vita. That kid is kinda terrible. Vita and Holly have a very different gene. I think Holly got everything from her dad. I'm gonna back with Chris and Vita's daughter picture. Chris also have a kid with Iliana Langerak and Nancy Landgraab but I haven't looked at them, I hope they're gonna be so good looking too.