The Truth was Out ThereStrange events didn't stop with Sapphire's deformation. Jamie had a wish to catch the strangest fish of all. Stranger even from robot fish, that poor creature. And with more than 50 angelfish in inventory and maxed fishing skill, it was not hard to grant that wish. Next morning, she harvest her nice garden. Some of the plants are already perfect, she even planted eggs and cheese, but that morning, those special plants finally had something to harvest.
After harvesting and tending her garden, Jamie took the strange glowing products, along with scary looking flower, and called Agnes over, to share the discovery. That red pulsing fruit, plasma fruit, is well known to her. So many Sims came to hospital sick cause they eat it. And that flaming fruit is growing in few gardens around town, so it is not strange neither. But this yellow glowing fruit and scary looking flower were new to her. Agnes just finished her second book, and was picking her first one from mailbox. She came in and take long look at the fruit and deathflower. She knew it was time for that talk with Jamie. She took fruit from the table, and lead Jamie to the back of the property.
There, Jamie saw for the first time all the pictures, paintings and sculptures of Emerald and Sapphire. At first, she was shocked by the fact that Agnes did all that for her family, and inevitable question appeared. Why?
Agnes knew situation is awkward, even if they were all like a family, it still look strange why there are no paintings and sculptures of Jamie or Stephan. She took her first written bookout of inventory.
-Here, Jamie, this book may not contain all the answers you need, but it is a good start. Please read it.
-What's this? What a strange title, "The Gift of Immortality", but hey, it's you who wrote it! But what this fantasy book has anything to do with this flowers and fruit, or with these portraits?
-Please Jamie, read it, and then we will talk, OK?
So Jamie read the book. Agnes sat next to her, and wait. Jamie was the smartest woman she met. She learned everything there is to know about Logic, Gardening, Fishing, Photography and was very skilled in Cooking and Charisma too. She was the best surgeon in the world, and best mother and wife too. And her best friend from day they met.
Being a bookworm, Jamie quickly read the book. She hardly bread while reading it. But, longer she read, more she realized. That was not the fantasy book. Or at least, Agnes believed it was real. There were still some questions left unanswered. So ladies now had The talk.
-How.. How did you came up with all this? Where is all this coming from, Agnes? What are you trying to say?
-Hm.. where to start.. you know what happend to my husband Erik?
-Yes, tragically, he drowned soon after you two got married. What he has to do with this?
-Long time ago, when he was a young boy, he find a strange book, little bit different than this one you just read. In it, he read about the ways of staying alive forever. Book contained all the restrictions and conditions for this gift, but also, all the secrets of immortality. The fish that lives in graveyard and appear only in dark hours. Glowing fruit of life, you managed to grow in your garden. Deathflower that is more appealing to Grimm than poor Sim soul. Secret recipe of Ambrosia that gives you divine feeling and life itself..
-I just read about all that. I'm not shore how Erik died if he knew all the secrets?
-To use this gift, there are so many restrictions. One of them is not having parents or childhood. It is available only for young adults who are fresh in new town. They have to do many things, but only them and their heirs can even try fighting for this gift. As you see, neither you or me or Erik ever had a chance. He still wanted to cheat Grim, but while swimming, his deathflower feel out of pocket, and Grim was free to came and take his soul. Mystery book was destroyed in water too, but it's content is written deep in my memory.
(Jamie is speechless so Agnes continue)
-That's when I met Emerald. Still in grief, he was walking around, and he was everything that book described. After hearing his LTW to save so many Sims from fire, I wanted to help him. If anyone deserved to live forever it would be honest hero like he is. So I moved in with him. That little affair with Christopher was distracting me for a while, but ended just in time.
-Just in time for what?
-For taking this portraits and sculptures of course. And for a little guidance for Emerald.
-So that is why he work so hard on sculpting? But, he already know everything about handiness and athletic!
-You're right, but 8 different generations need to have all this (showing at the museum pieces), AND unique skill. And career, and many other things. I just read a book about that part, and am waiting for the mailman to deliver it.
Jamie took a deep breath.
-So, bottom line is that Emerald, Sapphire and 6 others will live forever. Is that it?
-It depends. If they make it, they are then free to share the secret of immortality, and one maybe even more controversial secret too. But you already know that one. You've seen it before.
(Jamie look at her with question mark in her eyes)
-Remember that patient you told me about? The one that died in your hands, but few days later he was back as real Sim?
-You mean coming back from death? I know it happend, but don't know how!
-This Ambrosia can do that. If a ghost eat it, it brings back to life. Someone outthere was playing with these rules, but Grim is just waiting for his next victim. I don't want to imagine the horror for those who didn't obey these rules but used Ambrosia. That is why I never told you about it. With your heart, it would be impossible to let your patients die knowing the ultimate cure. Can you forgive me for that?
Jamie understood her. All this stories seem unreal, but now all the pieces came into place. And if all goes as planned, one day she might be reunited with Emerald forever and ever.
-One more question Agnes, how long does Emerald knows about this?
-Oh, he doesn't! I only asked him to purchase a building and do the sculpting, everything else he did on his own. That is why I believe he truly deserve this. And that he can guide all future generations toward success.
Jamie was relieved. With all this, it would be hard knowing Emerald kept secret from her, even if now, she is keeping one from him. They'll wait for the right time, get everything set and convince him to go trough this crazy adventure of immortality. If ultimate goal is to live forever with love of his life, nothing should be too hard.
With that in mind, Ladies enjoyed the sunrise and continue the conversation, from Stephan's role to who will cook Ambrosia. And usuall gossips about Alto's and Langerak's.