Thanks TheCronicR! I was surprised too. I was shore Chris was in a relationship with Agnes so it took me a while to try friendly interaction and see that. I had some time to play, so here is one little more serious update:
Secret, promise and successAfter romantic fiasco with Christopher, Agnes went to see and mourn her first love.
She had a long thought and made a final decision. There is a secret she learned about becoming immortal from Erik. She and Erik had plans to do it, but his early death made it impossible. After meeting Emerald, she was thinking about passing that gift to him, since it was already too late for her, but meeting Christopher made her confused. Now, with Christopher betrayal, she was devastated, and couldn't even think about the immortality, when in this little time she had here she cried so many times. After getting home, she run into Emerald who was smelly and tired, but happy to share happy news, he saved another family, including one newborn.
Agnes was happy to hear some good news, and proud to be BF with such a man. And then she figured, on his own, he is already half way there! And Jamie is great too, not only she love him so deeply, but she did all the things he would need her to do, again, without any directions. Decision was made, but time was not right to tell. And so is the decision to live forever and let your loved ones die. So Agnes decided to guide Emerald and Jamie to fulfill the requirements, and pass them the gift if and when they are worth it. After all, it is a great gift, with great sacrifices, and if anyone deserve it, it would be a hero who is saving lives everyday.
So the next step was to direct Emerald to supermax a skill, it have to be usefull, but unique for him, no other immortal should max it. Emerald already maxed athletic and handiness, but they are not so practical to avoid for future generations. And getting those never melting sculptures takes a long time so better have someone in household who can do that. Emerald is not Savvy Sculptor, but no doubt he'll be a great sculptor. Agnes had her smile back, not for a long time, she's grumpy after all, but she find another goal to pursue.
One day, she asked Emerald to pose hoping to sculpt a masterpiece, and started a talk.
Agnes: Emerald, I was wondering, how do you cope with all the stress and tragedy you see every day? Your job is very hard, and I'm shore you need some stress relief.
Emerald was surprised by this. He had a stressfull job, but had a lot of satisfaction in saving lives. And Jamie was greatest stress relief one could wish for. Still, Agnes was his best friend and had a lot of tragedy to deal with. So if there is something he can do, he will.
"Well, I might try it one day.. you seem to be the best sculptor, at least in SV, if you would teach me, it would be an honour."
Agnes knew he was polite and caring more than interesting in sculpting. But whatever it takes to motivates him. So they set it, in his free time, Emerald will sculpt. Agnes asked him to promise to sculpt those ice statues, so he can sculpt her while she will made his and Jamie's sculptures done, before they become elders.
Next was Jamie. Things were going great for her. She reached the top of medical career and fulfill her LTW.
Then she had some great time vaccinating and later diagnosing citizens of SV.
Her garden was going great, and she even took some time to learn cooking, on her own. And was very patient with Emerald's busy schedule, since she also was never bored. After learning that fresh fish is the best fertilizer, Jamie invited Agnes to join her fishing across the street, in that wonderfull park Emerald bought her as wedding gift. Girls had some talking there too.
"Jamie, is it true? You already maxed photography? While becoming The Doctor!?"
"Yes, it's not that hard, you could do it too, if you want.."
"Wow, don't be so modest! Congratulation on that! I'll stick to painting and sculpting. But I saw the garden too, and now fishing! Not to mention your job! You're really something!"
"Aw, thanks Agnes, coming from you it means a lot! You are, after all, the best artist in SimWorld! But how are things with Chris and you? Are you getting back together or?
"No way. It was a huge mistake. My only true love is Erik. With Chris it was just a crush, and that is over now. But I am thinking about special someone in my life."
"Really? How, who? Tell me tell me"
Agnes and Jamie continue whispering and giggling. With a smile on her face, and with Stir Crazy moodlet wanished, Agnes went back home to easel.
And painted a masterpiece. Well, it doesn't look like one, but critics decided that way. On that ugly wall, now hang a masterpiece portrait, masterpiece sculpture and a large expensive photo. Emerald was ready for the next stage.