Chapter 22: Week 6 Saturday - Week 7 WednesdayWe see several new faces in the Vandersim household. Saturday morning two new orphans arrive. Marilyn is Brave and Easily Impressed and cute as a button:
Gregory's mother, whoever she was, must have neglected to take good care of herself during the pregnancy because the poor little guy wound up Clumsy and Evil.
Three toddlers! I wish the game hadn't given the girls almost the same outfits as it makes it harder to tell them apart. When I see the clothes and hairdos the game gives the kids and I think of all the nice stuff I've bought from the Store, I'm really tempted to change things. But I made a commitment to take whatever Social Services gave them, and I'm trying to stick to it. The only time they get new clothes is when they go out on their own. Regardless of their clothing, the 3 nooboos are cute.
Sebastian and Pippa work hard all weekend teaching toddler skills. Meantime, Michael and Bella just can't keep their hands off each other:
By Tuesday Mary and Marilyn have aged up and Gregory will just as soon as he finishes with the pegboard. Michael has learned everything he needs to in school (he has 3 straight days on the honour roll) and he's ready to become a young adult. He has maximized the Logic skill and has several points in Athletics and Handiness, so he goes to work at the Military base. He and Bella get married and Try for Baby, then they're ready to go. Michael had 38,000 happiness points when he moved out.
I always follow the kids to see where they move to. When I saw Michael and Bella's new house, all I could think was that it's a good thing Pippa didn't come along too. She'd be wanting to move out just to get a new house, and who could blame her?
Wow! All the kids have wound up with much better houses than where they were raised. I had expected the game to move them into the cheaper houses because, after all, they aren't paying for their new houses. But I'm glad they are getting nice homes.
Michael's departure leaves room for another orphan. His name is Gordon, but I don't have a picture of him yet so it'll have to wait for the next post. With just over 3 weeks to go, Gordon will likely be the last orphan the twins take in.