Finally the first official update.
I'm going to say the traits now. They are Kleptomaniac,Natural Cook,Bookworm,Green Thumb and Loves the Outdoors. Blaze loves Pancakes,Electronica Music and the colour Red.
I am Blaze Ragen. I have been sent down from the gods to fill this world with colour. Me and my firstborn descendants will be immortal and colour gods/goddesses. The second and beyond born will still be colours gods but will die. I shall be the colour god of red. My first task is to find Morgana Wolff because the gods said she was the one to help you with me family.
When I arrived at her house I saw her beautiful face and gasped.Not because of the face but because she was married! The gods said she was the one so Step 1 is to make her break up with whoever she is with.
When I first talked to her I was thinking about cooking and how she would need to paint and sculpt me and my future children. Then we talked about the great outdoors and I told her funny story.
Later that day I got her to break up with Thorton (who I just met and is now my enemy!!) and I got her to kiss me. Then she probably was in a bad move because all romantic interactions failed.
Authors note: Morgana is driving me crazy and I missed their kiss by a second!
The next day Morgana had work so I decided to go to the library and work on my cooking skill.
I was hungry so after I went to the toilet I called Morgana to see if she wanted to go out for dinner at the Bistro. She declined. So I went there by myself and left very tired and staring at someone delicious looking cobbler!
Authors Note: Had some more pictures but they didn't work.